> Hello,
> Thanks for the quick answers.
> Peter Vreman a écrit :
>> > 2) " end [ {$IFNDEF REGCALL} 'eax','ecx', {$ENDIF} 'edi']; "
>> > Is the previous line meaningful? (See the routine below)
>> No, FPC 1.9.x follows standard calling conventions. The changed
>> registers
>> are fixed. This
Here is a bug (?) of the compiler (FP 1.9.4) when setting Level 2
Optimizations. I post it here since I don't believe it is possible
to use the bug report form. (I work with Win98, AMD 2600+)
Types used in the code.
TBigInt = record
Digits: PDigits;// pointer to a digit
Thanks for the quick answers.
Peter Vreman a écrit :
> > 2) " end [ {$IFNDEF REGCALL} 'eax','ecx', {$ENDIF} 'edi']; "
> > Is the previous line meaningful? (See the routine below)
> No, FPC 1.9.x follows standard calling conventions. The changed registers
> are fixed. This information is
Furthermore, the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) this year
is taking place in September, and software versions are in the process
of being decided.
Speaking of olympiads (and IOI), how about including e.g. DeCAL in the
standard FPC distribution (e.g. in pack
I have tried to build last cvs version 1.9.4 for ARM and It can't
I'm using ppc386 version 1.0.10 to make it!
#> make clean all OS_TARGET=linux CPU_TARGET=arm
/usr/bin/ppc386 -dUNIX -Ur -Xs -OG2p