On Mon, 28 Aug 2017, Pavol Stugel wrote:
For years I'm working with synapse (Ararat) with OpenSSL and there is
same openssl.pas lib. So problem is with:
in InitSSLInterface:
if assigned(_RandScreen) then
and method:
procedure RandScreen;
if InitSSLInte
For years I'm working with synapse (Ararat) with OpenSSL and there is
same openssl.pas lib. So problem is with:
in InitSSLInterface:
if assigned(_RandScreen) then
and method:
procedure RandScreen;
if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_RandScreen) then
On 28.08.2017 08:04, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal wrote:I don't understand
why we will have no more the right to use it under x64 OS...
Because Microsoft declared it as deprecated. That means that should
Microsoft ever bring out a 64-bit only OS ...
In fact this still is a (mere) portability pro
On 28.08.2017 00:23, Ched wrote:
But sometimes, we absolutely need numerical precision, so we have to
assume the costs in terms of runtime and possibly nonportability.
I understand that when compiling to an x32 32 Bit executable, 80 Bit
Extended should be fine.
Am 24.08.2017 um 23:45 schrieb Ched:
> And under "modern" Windows, the extended type, which is fully supported
> by the FPU, is *degraded* to double. So, I can't do high precision
> computation with fpc even if the native hardware permits such
> computations.
FP permits it too, just recompile it
El 27/08/17 a les 21:52, James Richters ha escrit:
i think you're looking for IPC (InterProcess Communication)... with this, the
second instance would load up, find that there is one already running, tell the
already running one about the new file to load, and then exit...
Thank you, that is