I finally figured out how to get the Visual Studio Code extension working for 
the language server. Does anyone want to test? I added some very brief 
instructions but basically you need to:

1) build the language server (using latest trunk FPC and RTL). I want to 
provide precompiled binaries eventually.
2) install the packaged extension "pascal-language-server-0.0.1.vsix". You can 
be build this from the vscode project also. 
3) configure the settings for your system (path to the server, fpc sources 

It's still in pretty primitive shape but it is working on my Mac. Having a 
person test on Windows would be nice help.

I should put the vsix file in a GitHub release but for now get the whole repo.


        Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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