On Thu, 2010-04-29 at 10:30 -0700, Bihar Anwar wrote:
> Delphi has StringRefCount() function (I'm not aware since what version it was
> introduced). I just curious, is there a function equivalent to it in FPC?
> Currently, I just steal a portion of code from System unit:
> type
> PAnsiRec =
On Sat, 2009-10-10 at 10:14 -0700, David Emerson wrote:
> 2. For the purposes of reserving memory in block sizes that can be
> easily reallocated, I like to use powers of two. So if I have, e.g., a
> dynamic array, I might start with a size of 1024 and then double it
> when it hits capacity. Hop
On Wed, 2009-10-07 at 07:22 +0200, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:
> Therefore, there is absolutly no difference between
> TFigure = record
>X : TShapeList;
>case TShapeList of
> Rectangle: (Height, Width: Real);
> Triangle: (Side1, Side2, Angle: R
On Tue, 2009-10-06 at 23:37 +0800, 章宏九 wrote:
> Thank you. I saw all the examples you gave, but I still cannot master
> how to use a variant record without a specified tag.
> For example:
> type
> TShapeList = (Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, Ellipse, Other);
> TFigure = record
> case TShap
On Sun, 2008-02-03 at 13:13 +0100, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> On Sun, 3 Feb 2008, Anton Tichawa wrote:
> > Hello list!
> >
> > I have problems compiling an X client. The compiler says:
> >
> > Free Pascal Compiler version 2.2.0 [2007/08/31] for i386
Hello list!
I have problems compiling an X client. The compiler says:
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.2.0 [2007/08/31] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2007 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling pas/xdemo.pas
PPU Loading /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.2.0/units/i386-linux/x11/x.ppu
Paul Davidson wrote:
On Nov 8, 2005, at 12:11, Peter Vreman wrote:
# [735] case l3o3.FormType of
// Select 3o3 processor
lwz r2,160(r1)
cmplwi cr0,r2,0
beq cr0,L1051
cmplwi cr0,r2,1
beq cr0,L1052
cmplwi cr0,r2,2
Paul Davidson wrote:
Trying to get SetSocketOptions for SO_RCVTIMEO and SO_SNDTIMEO to work
with Darwin (FreeBSD).
p : pointer;
t : TimeVal;
t.tv_sec := mSec div 1000;
t.tv_usec := ( mSec mod 1000 ) * 1000;
p := @t;
if SetSocketOptions( fSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, p, SizeOf( t
Jose Pascual wrote:
I have a program that don't work if I declare a local array of 15000
bytes, but it works if the array is
only for 500 bytes,
Where is the problem? frame, heap, stack?
how can I increase the memory for local vars in procedure/functions?
best regards
Marc Santhoff wrote:
Am Sonntag, den 21.08.2005, 16:19 -0700 schrieb L505:
The first compilers were written in assembly language. This allowed
the next generation compilers to be written in a high level language.
And the assembly language was just magically inserted
David Butler wrote:
When I compile an application that uses libc under Linux I get:
"/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpthread"
From what I gather pthread is a standard library. How do I get the
linker to find it?
fpc-pascal m
Marco van de Voort wrote:
On Thu, Jul 14, 2005 at 10:27:01AM +0200, Peter Vreman wrote:
Tom Verhoeff a ?crit :
The point is that there is no stack trace with line numbers on the
(obviously correct) exception, in spite of the option -gl (even when
explicitly using SysUtils).
L505 wrote:
| procedure my_procedure(var a_record: t_my_record);
| In this case, a simple pointer is passed to my_procedure. This is also
| the way most C libraries work, passing a pointer to a structure.
Would a C program be able to call a Pascal SO or DLL file and directly read a
record fro
L505 wrote:
When a function requires that more than one value must be returned, what are the
advantages of returning one of these values in a paramater versus using a record
that contains all the data?
A function needs to return an integer, string, and boolean. Why not just return
a r
After downloading and unzipping doc-html.zip (11.4M), I found that
units/units.html, referenced by fpctoc.html, is missing. Where can I
find units documentation?
Thank you,
fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org
Gualtiero Dellarole wrote:
I read on FAQ for mouse problem:
The mouse cursor does not respond in the Windows IDE
In windowed mode, the mouse cursor might not respond to mouse
moves and clicks. Just change the properties of the console, and
remove the quick edi
Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004, Jilani Khaldi wrote:
Hi All,
Does somebody kown the algorithm to convert a date from the double
format to an explicit format?
Example: the function "now" givers me: 3.825956615197917E+004
I want to transform it in: year-month-day
Why not
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Ron Weidner wrote:
--- Marcel Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anton Tichawa a ?crit :
Hello List!
Compiling the unit
unit test;
procedure test.do_test;
procedure test.do_test;
Hello, Ron!
Ron Weidner wrote:
Note: I don't see the definition of PWidget in your
code peace. I assume
it's a pointer to a record containing a string
member named meta. But in
your procedure
procedure AddWidget(PWidget:pointer);
you use the very same identifier, PWidget, for a
variable name. Th
Ron Weidner wrote:
I thought I was getting closer to understanding
pointers but it appears that I'm still not getting it.
I wrote the following code fragment but it doesn't
compile. the errors I get are...
Widget_container_class.pas(80,27) Error: Illegal
Hello List!
Compiling the unit
unit test;
procedure test.do_test;
procedure test.do_test;
results in compiler errors:
test.pas(5,15) Error: overloaded identifier TEST isn't a function
test.pas(5,15) Fatal: Syntax error, ; expected but . found
Matt Emson wrote:
You code is wrong, it also crashes with kylix.
What kind of answer is this?
The correct one?
To remove an item from a TList you must:
(a) set it to nil and pack the list
list[0] := nil;
(b) call TList.Delete(index)
(c) use TList.
Cristiano Magro wrote:
when i install the today snapshot the compiler show this version:
C:\pp\bin\win32>ppc386.exe -v
Hint: End of reading config file fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.9.3 [2004/04/05] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2004 by Florian Klaempfl
Fatal: No source file name in comma
Hello, List!
I'm writing a program that semi-automatically reviews itself. Among
other parameters used to evaluate the quality of a given version, I use
the size of it's executable file. Though meaningful and even a small
performance issue, this parameter is very coarse-grained. Does
Eduardo Lopez wrote:
Anton Tichawa escribió:
Excuse me if I#m wrong, but shouldn't that read:
ln -s libmysqlclient.so.10.0.0 libmysqlclient.so
('lib' instead of 'l' in the second argument)
I'm sorry, but the error say:
can't find _lmysqlclient_
traditionally, l
Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
On Mon, 7 Jun 2004, Eduardo Lopez wrote:
Hello all:
I'm just trying to compile the testdb.pp and I get the following error:
./ld:can't find lmysqlclient
1) I'm working with Mandrake 8.2
2) Installed mysql with all library (database and development)
3) Installed
On Monday 22 December 2003 19:37, DONALD PEDDER wrote:
>When I've read everything up to the score (using scanblack/scanwhite),
> and then do "read(line,awayscore)" the program hangs (using read now, as I
> want to read the number and not a word). Experimentation showed me it was
> waiti
Hello, List!
Using ppc386 version 1.0.10, sizeof(cmyclass) returns the size of the
instance, e. g. 260 when there is one 'string' member, whereas ppc386 version
1.0.6 returns the expected size of a pointer, 4. Is this a bug, or a
deliberate change?
$: cat top/testsize.pas
program testsize;
er appear
within a valid word.
@Donald: There ARE problems when reading numbers, e. g. "1000.0" is sometimes
written as "1000,0", "1'000.0", "1,000.00" or even "1,000.--". It's a matter
of negotiation: The more formal the text file, the
if scanblack(line) <> 'at' then begin
writeln('syntax error');
home := scanblack(line);
writeln('AWAY: ', away, '; HOME: ', home);
Ing. Anton Tichawa
f (pCallBack<>NIL) then
pCallBack := nil;
Ing. Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
phone: +43 1 218 97 59
"Adas Methode war, wie si
I already posted this some time ago ..
program xdemo; // free pascal x / x11 demo, free software, by anton tichawa
x, xlib, linux;
TheDisplay: PDisplay;
TheScreen: Longint;
TheDrawable: TDrawable;
BlackColor: longint;
WhiteColor: longint;
) also doesn't make any sense
True. So I think the best way is either to declare
var q1, q2: int64;
or, if they have to be qwords for some reason, to typecast:
writeln(abs(int64(q1) - int64(q2)));
Still, the documentation states "any numerical type". If there's time f
Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Ing. Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
phone: +43 1 218 97 59
fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Ing. Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
phone: +43 1 218 97 59
mobil: +43 664 52
ve to be used for class variables and class
By class properties, I mean properties that only access class members (class
variables and class methods), and are accessible with the syntax:
When trying class methods, I found that the executable behaves strange:
Invoking a class metho
e war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Ing. Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
phone: +43 1 218 97 59
mobil: +
hing like:
writeln('hello, world!');
if keypressed() then begin
bla bla
until false;
because that might be of value in the future. that's a common feature of
pascal and rock'n'roll, isn't it?
is certainly NOT dead and
> any of my software engineer lecturers will agree with it's use as a
> language for developing software.
> my 2 cents...
btw - please can you explain that idiom - "my 2 cents"? thanx.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen w
writeln('hello, world!');
if keypressed() then begin
bla bla
until false;
because that might be of value in the future. that's a common feature of
pascal and rock'n'roll, isn't it?
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Friday 21 March 2003 14:02, you wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 02:04:39PM +0100, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> > On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Anton Tichawa wrote:
> > > On Friday 21 March 2003 13:09, you wrote:
> > > > > On Friday 21 March 2003 12:29, you wrote:
> &
l left on the stack.
> The allocation on the heap has already been changed to allocation on the
> stack in 1.1, because hat is much faster. Using a predefined storage of N
> exception levels is adding a limit and that is something we want to
> prevent.
but also the power-switc
lost, as it can be saved by allocating the
'normal' stack or 'normal' heap more tightly - the old system has to reserve
exception spae implicitely on the stack or on the heap.
what do you think about that?
"Adas Method
don't have the
> time to analyze what the cause is that the exception frame is not removed.
> _______
> fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://lists.freepascal.org/mailman/listinfo/fpc-pascal
Maybe off-topic,
ngen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
fpc-pascal maillist - [E
On Wednesday 19 March 2003 16:39, you wrote:
> Anton Tichawa wrote:
> > Well, safety is still important. You should use the returned count in
> > your procedure to be on the safe soide. The end might come sooner than
> > expected.
> Right now I terminate the program
Hello, Preben!
Safety First!
On Wednesday 19 March 2003 16:04, you wrote:
> Anton Tichawa wrote:
> > There are several other things too in this old procedure, that might
> > still cause errors or need optimization. If you want, I'll write a small
> > procedure
o money or any other thing.
Hope ths helps,
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
de war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
ace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
are essentially the
same. Really, I'm not sure if Microsfot Widows actually know(s?) that simple
fact ..
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
Microsoft to join the band.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664
not subscribed to the mailing list, you may respond directly to me.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagtr?ume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 1
wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
email: [EM
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
specifying a full absolute path
and verifying if the file 'myplugin.dll' actually exists under that name?
Anton Tichawa.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Count
ngen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED
'well-structured'. Should I post a new, tested "repeat -
break - break - until" version of this function?
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://lists.freepascal.org/mailman/listinfo/fpc-pascal
ested twice, shows the poor quality of the API.
BTW: How and where can I obtain the original microsoft 32-bit windows API
help files, and what names do they have? I thing *.chm or so?
Anton Tichawa.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
-1 );
> end;
I'll have a look at that ..
Anton Tichawa.
fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Only those cases where Step 3 is bug-free, would then be executed ..
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 2
e. i'm talking about, well, excuse my poor english
here, fehler (d) = errrors (e) (?), because in every such "thing" is one bit
of truth that will surely be reconsidered as free pascal development
continues. no bug must be lost, or so .. uh.
anton tichawa.
"Adas M
of the fourier transform or creating an aboriginal version of the VCL?
> Thank you, Carl.
> Thank you, Daniël.
> Thank you, Florian.
> Thank you, Jonas.
> Thank you, Marco.
> Thank you, Michael.
> Thank you, Peter.
> Thank you, Pierre.
i aggree.
anton tichawa.
me kind of progress. This,
too, is very hard to do under windows.
Anton Tichawa.
> can also contribute eg a (non OO) FP test unit? if you like. Any ideas
> about how to define the 'features' to be tested? Regards John
> -Original Message-
> Hello, List!
elace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
dard results and produces a list of
newly introduced bugs?
Anton Tichawa.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 /
make range checks inline, but at a first glance it seems to
me that this would require reworking of very old (legacy?) parts of the
Anton Tichawa.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Lang
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
email: [EMAIL
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PR
Every "call" to saturated_square within the same unit will be inlined.
Anton Tichawa.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Bauer and J. Eickel, 2nd Edition, Springer 1976.
Anton Tichawa.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
nsion: real;
type t_window = whole // a static object
x0, y0, x1, y1: integer;
procedure clear(a_title: string);
type t_char_device = whole // an interface
function char_available: boolean;
function read_char: char;
I think this could be a new thread, so I renamed the
0 to num - 1 do begin
freemem(p); // the memory manager knows where and how much to free
I didn't actually compile and test this piece of code - there might be errors.
cheers - anton tichawa.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagtr
all. Next question?
Anton Tichawa.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 66
s normally
switched OFF, forcing SAFE mode, disallowing references to address 0 with a
pointer, requiring action to follow previous negotiations.
Any ideas how to continue this topic?
Anton Tichawa.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
> Btw, I'm using short strings, so I think it'll be ok for now...
> > Read the Manual - Free Pascal Programmer's Manual, Section 4.5, "Writing
> > Your Own Memory Manager" - because that's what you're actually doing.
> >
> > HTH
On Sunday 09 February 2003 12:54, you wrote:
> freeMem(tmpStrings, sizeOf(String) * (N));
No, only:
Read the Manual - Free Pascal Programmer's Manual, Section 4.5, "Writing Your
Own Memory Manager" - because that's what you're actuall
> memory?
> freeMem(tmpStrings, sizeOf(String) * (N));
Anton Tichawa.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Ticha
(tmpStrings, SizeOf(String) * (I + 1));}
Even then, I don't know if fpc behaves correctly converning deallocation when
defaults to . Maybe somebody else can respond to this?
Another note: Please replace tabulators by spaces when posting code.
Hope this Helps.
Anton Tichawa.
On Sund
355867 // ok
duration (ms) 5146543
max_prime_mask 4
num_primes 26355867
duration (ms) 606424
num_primes 1229 // ok
duration (ms) 357
num_primes 1
sly it may be used by an external
> unit, anyhow let me know if it might not be bad the idea to implement
> the function on the compiler.
The RTL?
Does the function return false for 0 and 1?
How easy isit to upgrade for > 64 bit lengths?
Anton Tichawa.
"Adas M
o, it is tightly coupled to all my
other sources ..
Well, I don't know how to handle a transfer of such sources to you, because I
doubt about the idea of proprietary-doom .. do u have any idea?
Anton Tichawa.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in of
or ASCIIZ string
returns: 0 = error (call GetLastError); else address of DLL function
Hope this Helps.
Anton Tichawa.
On Wednesday 05 February 2003 15:58, you wrote:
> At 19:10 04-02-2003 -0500, you wrote:
> >You can get the SDK help files from Borland:
> >
> >ftp://ftp.
> > fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > http://lists.freepascal.org/mailman/listinfo/fpc-pascal
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
find them in Microsoft's home page.
> Hans M.
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://lists.freepascal.org/mailman/listinfo/fpc-pascal
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträum
ovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
fpc-pascal maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, Martin!
I strongly recommend considering a GUI taht does not support micosoft windows
- it's a gain in truth, it makes live easier, or something like that .. if
you take -any- gui that runs on top of X, you'll be on the safe side. linux
is coming ..
hope this helps,
Hello, List!
.. and I remember some sort of 'DLL viewer', or 'Quick View', at least in
winnt (or Windows Commander?), that showed dll porperties, including
procedure names and indices .. it's difficult to work with indices, isn't it?
Anton Tichawa.
t find them in microsoft's (API?)
Hope this helps,
Anton Tichawa.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tich
re the standard requires too much typing.
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
e in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
Volkertstrasse 19 / 20
A-1020 Wien
mobil: +43 664 52 07 907
fpc-pascal mailli
> http://lists.freepascal.org/mailman/listinfo/fpc-pascal
"Adas Methode war, wie sich zeigen wird, Tagträume in offenbar korrekte
Berechnungen einzuweben."
Doris Langley Moore: Ada, Countess of Lovelace (London 1977).
Anton Tichawa
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