Because MyConst1 is not an *untyped* constant. Only untyped constants can be used in constant expressions (a pointer to something can be considered an untyped constant).

The following might work though I did not test it:

=== code begin ===

   MyStr = 'abc'
   MyConst1: AnsiString = MyStr;
   MyConst2: TMyRec = (l: Length(MyStr); a: @MyConst1[1]);

=== code end ===

Yes it works, but I must define 2 constants (MyStr and MyConst1), which is not so nice ;-)

It would be nice to have support for true constants:

   MyConst1 = 'abc' ;
   MyConst2: TMyRec = (l: Length(MyConst1); a: @MyConst1[1]);

But may be that there are technical reasons why it is problematic (may be that true constants are stored in another memory locations, which can not be easy addressed)



fpc-pascal maillist  -

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