On 11-2-2012 20:35, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Feb 2012, Howard Page-Clark wrote:
>> The prospect of a website dedicated to discussion of documentation
>> seems to me to be a helpful move forward.
> It's not really about discussion (fed up with that, if you can believe
> it ;) ), but about showing and collaborative editing of the docs.
> The idea was/is the following:
> * All nodes of an FPDoc description file can be put in a database;
>   One record per element/module/whatnot, fields for short/descr/seealso
> and whatnot elements.
>   I have the structure floating around here somewhere.
> * FPDoc needs (or already has, don't remember?) a mode to generate a
> single HTML page,
>   based on node name.
> * The website can use the fpdoc engine to fetch and display the HTML
> 'on-demand'.
> * For people with enough rights, the content can be edited.
> * When creating the full docs, the XML is read from the database and
> written to an FPDoc file.
> In fact, not so different from a WIKI, but more structured.
> And now:
> Since we now have notes, these can be displayed, and edited by all.

I'd say go for it, Michael.

If discussion can't be done in those notes, they can be done in some
pages of the regular wiki with hyperlinks to the help HTML pages...
Actually.... that is possible right now, I suppose ;)

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