
when i'm trying to switch to debug an app which uses wst i always get a FPC_ANSISTR_RANGECHECK ( ERangeError ).

Without debug enabled all is working fine. I'm using fpc 2.6.5 ( fixes branch ) and lazarus 1.2.3 at debian wheezy x86_64, and I made the following change all is working and i can debug my app.

Index: server_service_intf.pas
--- server_service_intf.pas    (revision 3031)
+++ server_service_intf.pas    (working copy)
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@
   //Extract the base ContentType : type "/" subtype *( ";" parameter )
   j := Length(s);
-  for i := 0 to Pred(Length(s)) do begin
+  for i := 1 to Pred(Length(s)) do begin
     if ( s[i] = ';' ) then begin
       j := ( i - 1 );

FYI, this is the backtrace

#0 HANDLEERRORADDRFRAME(201, 0x7fffffffd630, 0x439bd0) at ../inc/system.inc:962
#1 HANDLEERRORFRAME(201, 0x7fffffffd630) at ../inc/system.inc:992
#2 fpc_ansistr_checkrange(0x7ffff7f4a3d0, 0) at ../inc/astrings.inc:559
#3 HANDLEREQUEST(0x7ffff7f68240, 0x7ffff7fefd88) at ../../3rdparty/wst/server_service_intf.pas:489 #4 HANDLESERVICEREQUEST(0x7ffff7fefd88, 0x0) at ../../3rdparty/wst/server_service_intf.pas:259 #5 PROCESSSERVICEREQUEST(0x7ffff7f6a2c0, 0x7ffff7f9a730, 0x7ffff7f6a0c0, 0x7ffff7f69e10 'SOAP') at ../../3rdparty/wst/ide/lazarus/wstmodule/wstmodule.pas:230 #6 HANDLEREQUEST(0x7ffff7f6a2c0, 0x7ffff7f9a730, 0x7ffff7f6a0c0) at ../../3rdparty/wst/ide/lazarus/wstmodule/wstmodule.pas:273 #7 HANDLEREQUEST(0x7ffff7f820c0, 0x7ffff7f9a730, 0x7ffff7f6a0c0) at src/base/custweb.pp:374 #8 DOHANDLEREQUEST(0x7ffff7f820c0, 0x7ffff7f9a730, 0x7ffff7f6a0c0) at src/base/custweb.pp:474
#9 RUN(0x7ffff7f820c0) at src/base/custweb.pp:263
#10 DORUN(0x7ffff7f8a0c0) at src/base/custweb.pp:646
#11 RUN(0x7ffff7f8a0c0) at src/custapp.pp:286
#12 main at prjLoyaltyfcgi.lpr:13


Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis

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