Re: [fpc-pascal] Create and use a wrapper class in java

2014-04-28 Thread fredvs
>> PS : ASAP, i will update the fpc wiki... Done => - Many thanks ;-) -- View this message in context: Sent from the F

Re: [fpc-pascal] Create and use a wrapper class in java

2014-04-27 Thread fredvs
>> Just a guess here, but what command did you use to "run" the `main class`? Yep, Ewald, you get it (and me too) :-) It seems that, indeed, i used the wrong run-parameter. And guess what... IT WORKS. Ok, Java is now completely in the basket of fpc libraries. Time to present to the lucky Java p

Re: [fpc-pascal] Create and use a wrapper class in java

2014-04-27 Thread fredvs
>> Something like `java test` of rather `java TheWrapper`? I did first compile both class with* javac test *and *javac TheWrapper.* => ok, both compile without error... Then i run *java test* and get the error message... >> try to get the wrapper class working with something that simply prints >>

Re: [fpc-pascal] Create and use a wrapper class in java

2014-04-27 Thread Ewald
On 27 Apr 2014, at 23:40, fredvs wrote: > Hello Stephano. > >>> Did you put each class in a separate file? > > Yes, of course, it is the goal : > => a separate wrapper class (, with all the methods defined > to use the library, > => and the main class ( who uses that

Re: [fpc-pascal] Create and use a wrapper class in java

2014-04-27 Thread fredvs
Hello Stephano. >> Did you put each class in a separate file? Yes, of course, it is the goal : => a separate wrapper class (, with all the methods defined to use the library, => and the main class ( who uses that wrapper class. So, the same wrapper class way be used by

Re: [fpc-pascal] Create and use a wrapper class in java

2014-04-27 Thread patspiper
On 27/04/14 16:06, fredvs wrote: Hello wonderful fpc people. Hum, i want to create a Java wrapper class to access some fpc Java native libraries. I have already asked it everywhere, looking in all Java doc, but... without luck. Here the unique answer i get (from => http://forums.