[Framers] Nostalgia - was Re: FrameMaker 2015

2020-04-06 Thread Studio Smalbro
I followed Ventura all the way from the early versions on floppy disks to the latest Corel Version 10. And some trip that was. Corel took a great piece of software and made one exceptional poor and unstable version after another and for each version loosing even more users. And then... finally

Re: [Framers] Nostalgia - was Re: FrameMaker 2015

2020-04-06 Thread Robert Lauriston
In the late 70s and 80s I made my living typing, mostly at law firms, so I saw the whole evolution firsthand. When I started it was typewriters with carbon paper and Wite-Out. Then came IBM Correcting Selectric ball typewriters and Xerox machines, then IBM Mag Card or occasionally the MT/ST tape

Re: [Framers] Nostalgia - was Re: FrameMaker 2015

2020-04-06 Thread Lin Sims
I started out as a temp, not a tech writer, which meant I got to work on a whole LOT of systems. My agencies used to send me when someone called in with a program they'd never heard of, because they figured I either knew it or could figure it out very quickly. Alphabetically, they were, DECmate

Re: [Framers] Nostalgia - was Re: FrameMaker 2015

2020-04-06 Thread Jerilynne Knight
I remember at least a part of those days! My first training course in '84 was to help executive assistants (they were called secretaries back then) convert from typewriters to a standalone word processing unit from DEC (with 2 8" floppies...one for the system files and one for the data files). I

Re: [Framers] Nostalgia - was Re: FrameMaker 2015

2020-04-06 Thread L Larson
Wow, this brings up SO many memories... Does anyone remember Micom, where an 8" floppy could hold as much as 100 pages of straight text? How about Displaywriter, one of the first to move from a dedicated system to a PC? Later, I remember having to choose between Word Perfect, WordStar, and