
We're trying to use the FDK to get at the contents of graphics in a 
document.  The graphics are pasted in the document, and have a facet 
type of OLE2.  Unfortunately, the FDK docs don't give much 
information about facets.  I can get data out of a facet if I know 
its name.  For example, F_ApiGetUBytesByName() uses the docId and 
objId for the graphic object, and then the facet name to get the 
given data.  I manage to use "OLE2" for a facet name, and that works 
for FrameMaker 7.2.  But it doesn't work for FrameMaker 7.0!  The FDK 
docs don't describe facet names anywhere, and I have no way to know 
why it works for one version and not another.  I can only assume that 
OLE2 wasn't supported in 7.0???  I tried OLE2, OLE1, and OLE with no 
luck.  I can get TIFF and DIB facets out of 7.0, though.

A related issue...  I want to extract the bitmap representation of 
the OLE image, and create a separate file without the OLE 
information.  But since I have no idea what the facet data looks 
like, I don't know what to save to the file and what to throw 
away.  Is there any way to learn about what's actually inside an image facet?

Thanks for any info or experiences...

Dan Glover
OPNET Technologies, Inc

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