Greater Than Or Equal To symbol in Frame 8 on XP pro

2009-01-07 Thread
All, I have been searching for how to insert a greater than or equal to symbol (a less than or equal to symbol would be useful, too) into my document. I am using Arial font, if that help. According to the User Guide that came with the application, I should be able to do this by pressing

Tab issue with FrameMaker 8

2008-12-19 Thread
When I checked the formats of each paragraph style, I overlooked one on the heading that was giving me the problem. The box for the right indent on the Basic tab was set to 4.0". I reset it to zero and the tab/leader works properly now. Thanks to all for your help. -- Original

Pulling a "custom" page number into a TOC or Index

2008-12-18 Thread
I am building a book in FM 8 (on a XP Pro machine). At the end of the book I have a chapter that is a Glossary, and several chapters that will serve as Appendices. I would like the first page of the Glossary to be numbered "Glossary-1". I can make this appear on the page by editing the footer

Tab issue with FrameMaker 8

2008-12-16 Thread
Peter, Thanks for the info. I went back to double check what was going on. The tabs were not there. I manually inserted them. The tabs/leaders work for Paragraph Designs (auto generated by Frame) Heading2TOC through Heading 5TOC. They do not work for Heading1TOC (the top level). The tab

Tab issue with FrameMaker 8

2008-12-15 Thread
I am working with FrameMaker 8 on a Windows XP platform. I have my product interface in preferences set to FrameMaker. I have generated a TOC and am trying to set tabs to place the page number out near the right edge of the page. I have defined the tab stops, but when I hit the tab key the