Hi, does any one know why Fm removes the space after a Xref in xml files?<https://forums.adobe.com/message/8526089#8526089>
A workaround is to put in a nonbreaking space but that might affect line breaks in an unwanted way. I don't want to have the space in the xref format either. It works fine in unstructured files. Best regards, Anna Lena Söderling Sweden _______________________________________________ This message is from the Framers mailing list Send messages to framers@lists.frameusers.com Visit the list's homepage at http://www.frameusers.com Archives located at http://www.mail-archive.com/framers%40lists.frameusers.com/ Subscribe and unsubscribe at http://lists.frameusers.com/listinfo.cgi/framers-frameusers.com Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com