Re: FM 11/RH10 > Multiscreen HTML Output - making changes to the default Desktop output

2013-04-25 Thread Robert Lauriston
No, HTML 5 doesn't seem close to ready for prime time to me, at least if you have a lot of users on MSIE. Plus after evaluating RoboHelp 10 I decided to switch to WebWorks ePublisher. Though I'm not going to use its HTML5 output any time soon, either. On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 8:08 AM, Matt Sulliva

Re: FM 11/RH10 > Multiscreen HTML Output - making changes to the default Desktop output

2013-04-25 Thread Matt Sullivan
Robert, have you used the HTML5 layouts and found them less than satisfying? -MattMatt R. Sullivan co-author Publishing Fundamentals: Unstructured FrameMaker 11 P: 714.798.7596 | C: 714.585.2335 | @mattrsullivan LinkedIn facebook  On Apr 24, 2013, at 10:40

Re: FM 11/RH10 > Multiscreen HTML Output - making changes to the default Desktop output

2013-04-25 Thread Robert Lauriston
Sounds like the HTML 5 layout is not compatible with WebHelp skins: "A screen layout has two key components, a set of screen layout pages and a CSS. The screen layout pages define the content and the structure. The CSS defines the layout and the skin."

RE: FM 11/RH10 > Multiscreen HTML Output - making changes to the default Desktop output

2013-04-24 Thread Jeff Coatsworth
58 PM To: Subject: RE: FM 11/RH10 > Multiscreen HTML Output - making changes to the default Desktop output Ok, I realize now I'm probably off base with my question... ugh. HTML5 and the WebHelp Pro output are not the same. Looked at it in a different way and

RE: FM 11/RH10 > Multiscreen HTML Output - making changes to the default Desktop output

2013-04-24 Thread Martinek, Carla
Ok, I realize now I'm probably off base with my question... ugh. HTML5 and the WebHelp Pro output are not the same. Looked at it in a different way and figured out where I was going wrong. So what I need is to create(modify) an HTML 5 desktop screen layout that uses one of the skins from the