Hello Frameworks!

Due to the quarantine, we've transformed our monthly Cellular Cinema
screenings into a podcast series, which you can find here:
https://www.patreon.com/cellularcinema. The format is an hour-long
conversation with a filmmaker about three specific films from their catalog.

Episodes of the podcast itself will be free to the public, but subscribers,
for a small monthly fee, will get access to private links to the films
being discussed.

Three episodes are posted - Travis Wilkerson, Kym McDaniel, and Kevin B.
Lee -  with two more in the next two weeks - Roger Beebe and Sabine
Gruffat. After that we'll probably be slowing down to a bi-monthly or
monthly schedule. We're also interested in recommendations for future

All the proceeds from subscribers (minus the small Patreon percentage) will
go to the guest artists we interview. So if you can, please subscribe and
share to support these artists!

Kevin Obsatz
FrameWorks mailing list

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