This week [May 26 - June 3, 2018] in avant garde cinema
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  Schismogenesis ñ Steps Toward A History of French Experimental Film
<#anchor2>  [May 27, Brooklyn, New York]

  An Evening With Rhonda Lieberman <#anchor6>  [May 29, Brooklyn, New York]

  (S8) Mostra De Cinema PerifÈRico <#anchor5>  [May 29, A Coruña]

  Shapeshifters Cinema Presents Linda Scobie With Capt J Rab <#anchor9>
[June 2, Oakland]  

 Light Field (San Francisco, CA; Deadline: September 15, 2018)

 Haverhill Film Festival (Haverhill, MA, USA; Deadline: June 01, 2018)
 Edinburgh Short Film Festival 2018 (Musselburgh; Deadline: June 25, 2018)
 Coney Island Film Festival (Brooklyn, NY, USA; Deadline: June 22, 2018)
 25 FPS Festival (Zagreb, Croatia; Deadline: May 31, 2018)
 OFF THE WALL 2018 (Madison, WI, USA; Deadline: June 15, 2018)
 WNDX Festival of Moving Image (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; Deadline: June
01, 2018)

Events are sorted alphabetically BY CITY within each DATE.

This week's programs (summary):
*  New Experimental Works <#anchor1>  [May 26, San Francisco, California]
*  Schismogenesis ñ Steps Toward A History of French Experimental Film
<#anchor2>  [May 27, Brooklyn, New York]
*  May Days (Grands Soirs Et Petits Matins), By William Klein <#anchor3>
[May 27, Los Angeles, California]
*  Investigation of A Flame + Last Summer Won'T Happen - Lynne Sachs In
Person! <#anchor4>  [May 27, New York, NY]
*  (S8) Mostra De Cinema PerifÈRico <#anchor5>  [May 29, A Coruña]
*  An Evening With Rhonda Lieberman <#anchor6>  [May 29, Brooklyn, New York]
*  Investigation of A Flame + Last Summer Won'T Happen - Lynne Sachs In
Person! <#anchor7>  [May 30, New York, NY]
*  Posthaste Perennial Patterns: Talk and Screening With Jodie Mack
<#anchor8>  [May 31, New York, New York]
*  Shapeshifters Cinema Presents Linda Scobie With Capt J Rab <#anchor9>
[June 2, Oakland] 
SATURDAY, MAY 26, 2018

San Francisco, California: Other Cinema
8 PM, 992 Valencia Street
 For 33 years now, the OC season has been consummated with an energized
evening of radical expression and form, with many of the makers in person.
Spot-lit on this Spring round are Julie Murrayís Radius (West Coast debut),
and FrÈdÈric Moffetís Fever Freaks (Cali launch). PLUS premieres from Tala
Brecke, in person (Rain), Alessia Cecchet (WWW), Carl Diehl (Connective
Unconscious), Carl Elsaesser (Sounding), John Warren (Helter Skelter),
Winston Hacking (Erodium Thunk , on 16mm!), and Clint Enns (All My Life
(After Baillie)), a Super8/digital-animation ìpanoramic scrollî of Bruceís
All My Life. ALSO Andrew Norman Wilsonís Ode to Seekers, a new one from
Bryan Boyce, and other currently in-progress pieces TBA! Free pencils. $8.

SUNDAY, MAY 27, 2018

Brooklyn, New York: Microscope Gallery
7:30pm, 1329 Willoughby Avenue, 2B
 Films by Martine Rousset, Patrice Kirchhofer, and David Wharry, Curated by
Enrico Camporesi //////////////////////////////////// Microscope is very
pleased to welcome back Paris-based, Italian curator Enrico Camporesi to the
gallery with a new program of 16mm experimental films, Schismogenesis ñ
Steps Toward a History of French Experimental Film. The evening includes a
selection of works by three members of the Cooperative des cinÈastes (Paris,
1976-1978) Martine Rousset, Patrice Kirchhofer, and David Wharry that have
rarely, if ever, screened in the US. All films will be shown in their
original format.////////////////////// Enrico Camporesiís description of the
show follows: ìWe needed fresh air, freedom, we needed to do what we had to
do. We were somewhere nearby a poor cinema. Free and poor cinema, thatís
it.î It is in these terms that the filmmaker Martine Rousset explains the
founding of the Cooperative des cinÈastes in 1976. Conceived more as a
gathering of differences, rather than a structured movement, the association
would disband shortly after its inception. It would be hard to tell what
brought these people together ñ again Rousset: ìThere was David Wharry that
played the Englishman, there was Kirchhofer that developed films in his
bathtub, there was GÈrard Courant that started his CinÈmatons.î
///////////////////////////////// The idea that lay behind their gathering
coincided with an attempt to break away from the two major groups of
independent filmmakers of the time in France. The members of the Cooperative
des cinÈastes did not want to join the ranks of the ìprofessor filmmakersî
of the Paris Film Coop (ìtoo theoreticalî). But, at they same time, they
could not to come to terms with auteur film in a manner akin to what the
Collectif Jeune CinÈma had been doing (ìtoo eclecticî). After being reunited
under this common will of dissent, it was inevitable to witness, in turn,
the end of the Cooperative des cinÈastes. /////////////////////////////////
Eventually, the conflicts faded and the frantic creation of new divisions
between the filmmakersí groups came to an end. The prints rested some time
on the shelves of Light Cone, the distributor that channelled the heritage
of the coops of the 1970s. Here is the occasion to see four of them.
////////////////////// General admission $8 Members or students w/ ID $6
///////////////////////////// Enrico Camporesi is an Italian writer and
curator based in Paris. His book Futurs de líobsolesence, an essay on the
restoration of artistsí films, is forthcoming later this year for Šditions
MimÈsis. His previous research focuses on matters of restoration and
museology of experimental and artistís film. His writings on the moving
image have appeared in Necsus ñ European Journal of Media Studies, Fata
Morgana, La Furia Umana, and in several edited volumes. Camporesi has
curated screenings for Centre Pompidou, Light Cone, and Cineteca di Bologna,
among others. 

Los Angeles, California: Filmforum
7:30 pm, 6712 Hollywood Blvd.,
 Los Angeles Filmforum presents May Days (Grands soirs et petits matins), by
William Klein Sunday, May 27, 2018, 7:30 pm At the Spielberg Theatre at the
Egyptian, 6712 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90028 Part of 1968: Visions
of Possibilities Introduced by Ed Dimendberg! A documentary about May 1968.
Shot in black and white with a hand-held camera, this is the most precious,
balanced and disturbing account we have of the spirit of May '68. At the
request of students studying at the Sorbonne, William Klein filmed events in
the Latin Quarter of Paris. This footage was intended to be used as part of
an umbrella film about May 1968 which, due to multiple dissensions, could
never be completed at the time. The film is given over to the people,
students, militants, union activists, those who in daily life barely have
any contact with each other who can suddenly express themselves. We listen
to workers, housewives, waiters, store owners, immigrants, school-children,
pensioners, dissatisfied yuppies, repentant bosses, angry young men and
women of every type and political tendency, whose passionate discussions ebb
and flow across the city. Good intentions, rumors, revelations, wild dreams
and speeches, incisive and far-fetched analyses, dramatic turns of events,
plots, confessions, crises of conscience, good and bad trips and
psychodramas. Talking and talking into delirium

New York, NY: Anthology Film Archives
3:45 PM, 32 Second Avenue
 Lynne Sachs  INVESTIGATION OF A FLAME  (2001, 45 min, 16mm)  On May 17,
1968, nine Vietnam War protesters, including a nurse, an artist, and three
priests, walked into a Catonsville, Maryland draft board office, grabbed
hundreds of Selective  Service records and incinerated them with homemade
napalm. INVESTIGATION OF A FLAME is an intimate look at this unlikely,
disparate band of resisters - the Catonsville Nine as they came  to be known
- who broke the law in a poetic act of civil disobedience. Sachs has
combined long unseen archival footage with a series of informal interviews
with Daniel Berrigan, Philip  Berrigan, Howard Zinn, John Hogan, Tom Lewis,
and Marjorie and Tom Melville to encourage viewers to ponder the relevance
of such events today.Lynne Sachs will be here in person for both screenings!
Peter Gessner & Tom Hurwitz  LAST SUMMER WON'T HAPPEN  (1968, 58 min, 16mm)
Shot in 1968, one year after the Summer of Love, LAST SUMMER WON'T HAPPEN is
a critical yet sympathetic examination of the anti-war movement in NYC. The
film traces the development  of a group of activists on the Lower East Side.
We see their growth from isolated, alienated individuals to a politically
empowered community. Filmed between the protests at the  Pentagon and the
demonstrations at the Democratic Convention in Chicago, it includes
portraits of Abbie Hoffman, editor Paul Krassner, folksinger Phil Ochs, and
anarchist Tom  "Osha" Neumann.

TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2018

A CoruÒa: (S8) Mostra de Cinema PerifÈrico
8 pm, Sala PALEXCO, CGAI
 Today May 25th we are launching the 9th edition of (S8) Mostra de Cinema
PerifÈrico, that will take place in A CoruÒa, Northern Spain, untill June
3rd, with a special presentation of Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc with
live soundtrack. The rest of the program will start on May 29th. Under the
title Lux Algebra, this edition refers to the concept of algebra ñ the
branch of mathematics that studies the combination of elements of abstract
structures according to certain rules ñ and that of lux ñ the unit of
measurement of light-, with the intention of insisting on the cinema as a
result of a combination of elements, and through the selection of works in
which time and structure are fundamental. With key figures such as Ernie
Gehr and Kurt Kren, and filmmakers such as Scott Stark and Chris Kennedy (as
well as two programs of historical and contemporary films, one of them on
Structural Sound curated by Albert Alcoz), we will break down the theme of
this new edition. Another of the essential figures that will visit the
Mostra is the Canadian Philip Hoffman, one of the masters of the art of the
personal cinema and diary film, and promoter of the educational project Film
Farm. The filmmaker Friedl vom Gr–ller will be in A CoruÒa with her 16mm
portraits, continuing her portentous work in the field of photography, and
the Argentinian filmmaker Pablo Mazzolo will present a program on his work.
The seminal independent film distributor Canyon Cinema, which has been 50
years active will celebrate its anniversary here with a program curated by
Antonella Bonfanti, under the title California Dreaming, In the classic
section DESBORDAMIENTOS, we will have the film performances by the
Colombian-German duo based in Berlin Ojoboca, who will premiere a new work
in (S8), in addition to the works by Scott Stark, Pablo Mazzolo and Tono
Mejuto, who will premiere Reliefs, the result of the first BAICC residence,
organized by the (S8) in collaboration with AcciÛn Cultural EspaÒola and
Toronto LIFT. SINAIS continues to bring Galician cinema to front, this time
with a complete retrospective of the combative work of MarÌa Ruido. In
addition, SINAIS EN CURTO collects the best of the Galician filmmakers, with
works by Alberte Pag·n, Lara and Noa Castro, ¡ngel Santos, Helena GirÛn and
Samuel Delgado, finishing with Marcos PÈrez and Martin Pawley. Regarding
exhibitions, we will have an exhibition on film diagrams and scores, Cinema
on Paper (with works by Paul Sharits, Rose Lowder, Kurt Kren, R. Bruce
Elder, Bill Brand, Peter Kubelka, Lis Rhodes and Dora Maurer), that will
have a special presentation during the days of the festival of Lis Rhodes'
Light Music (courtesy of LUX). We also have an installation by Ernie Gehr,
As If, as well as a exhibition of video works by Galician filmmaker MarÌa
Ruido. You can find more information in our website, here is our trailer:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEnpPCvj0Os You are all invited to come as
usual, and in case you can not come this time, save the dates for the next

Brooklyn, New York: Light Industry
7:30, 155 Freeman Street
 Pssst! Please join us for a rare screening of a fabulous flick that was a
popular VHS bootleg (back in the day when we had VCRs!). We canít mention it
overtly because it was "removed from public distribution" for toying with
sacred cows like 70s Pop Stars, eating disorders, officially licensed
products and dysfunctional families. In short, it is highly entertaining,
and as brilliant as it is transgressive. We will see either a 16mm print or
the new restored HD versionóboth exciting! Essayist and critic Rhonda
Lieberman, a Contributing Editor at Artforum, will introduce the film with a
short reading to celebrate the recent launch of Pep Talk 7: The Rhonda
Lieberman Reader edited by Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, a big fat compilation of
her work in the trenches chronicling the Good, the Bad and the Tasteful in
and around the art world, academia, consumer culture and Inequality since
1989! After the screening, sheíll be available to kibbitz and sell some
books (she hopes!). According to Gilda Williams in this monthís Frieze: ìThe
Rhonda Lieberman Reader is the answer to our prayersÖI never want to meet
her.î To quote auteur theorist and practitioner Larry David: "With critics
like these, who needs friends?"


New York, NY: Anthology Film Archives
9:00 PM, 32 Second Avenue
 Lynne Sachs  INVESTIGATION OF A FLAME  (2001, 45 min, 16mm)  On May 17,
1968, nine Vietnam War protesters, including a nurse, an artist, and three
priests, walked into a Catonsville, Maryland draft board office, grabbed
hundreds of Selective  Service records and incinerated them with homemade
napalm. INVESTIGATION OF A FLAME is an intimate look at this unlikely,
disparate band of resisters - the Catonsville Nine as they came  to be known
- who broke the law in a poetic act of civil disobedience. Sachs has
combined long unseen archival footage with a series of informal interviews
with Daniel Berrigan, Philip  Berrigan, Howard Zinn, John Hogan, Tom Lewis,
and Marjorie and Tom Melville to encourage viewers to ponder the relevance
of such events today.Lynne Sachs will be here in person for both screenings!
Peter Gessner & Tom Hurwitz  LAST SUMMER WON'T HAPPEN  (1968, 58 min, 16mm)
Shot in 1968, one year after the Summer of Love, LAST SUMMER WON'T HAPPEN is
a critical yet sympathetic examination of the anti-war movement in NYC. The
film traces the development  of a group of activists on the Lower East Side.
We see their growth from isolated, alienated individuals to a politically
empowered community. Filmed between the protests at the  Pentagon and the
demonstrations at the Democratic Convention in Chicago, it includes
portraits of Abbie Hoffman, editor Paul Krassner, folksinger Phil Ochs, and
anarchist Tom  "Osha" Neumann.

THURSDAY, MAY 31, 2018

New York, New York: Museum of Arts and Design
6:30,  2 Columbus Circle / New York, NY 10019
 Thursday, May 31, 2018 - 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm $10 general / $5 members and
students The Theater at MAD 60 min, 16mm Projection/ Post-screening Q&A
moderated by Ekrem Serdar, Media Arts Curator for Squeaky Wheel Film and
Media Art Center/Lineup:  ìPosthaste Perennial Patternî (Jodie Mack, 2010,
3.5 min)  ìPoint de Gazeî (Jodie Mack, 2012, 4.5 min)  ìPersian Picklesî
(Jodie Mack, 2012, 3 min)  ìBlanket Statement #1: Home is Where the Heart
isî (Jodie Mack, 2012, 3 min)  ìBlanket Statement #2: Itís All or Nothingî
(Jodie Mack, 2013, 5 min)  ìRazzle Dazzleî (Jodie Mack, 2014, 5 min)  ìThe
Florestine Collectionî (Helen Hill/Paul Gailiunas, 2011, 31 min)/ Centering
on the use of domestic and recycled materials, this program of short films
illuminates formal and cursory elements shared between fine-art abstraction
and mass-produced graphic design. The works presentedósix shorts by Jodie
Mack and ìThe Florestine Collection,î by Helen Hill and Paul
Gailiunasóquestion the role of decoration in daily life, and unleash the
kinetic energy of overlooked and wasted objects. The program will feature a
brief talk by Mack, whose artwork is featured in Surface/Depth: The
Decorative After Miriam Schapiro. Mack will also take part in a
post-screening Q&A moderated by Ekrem Serdar, Media Arts Curator for Squeaky
Wheel Film and Media Art Center./ Expanding upon notions of anti-animation
set forth by experimental practitioners like Paul Sharits and Robert Breer,
the films in this program apply formal principles of abstract cinema while
pursuing an interest in found materials, evolving modes of production, and
forms of labor. The works extend the temporal concerns of the Structural
film, a simplified form of cinema that is driven by critical formalism
rather than narrative content. By reflexively activating the referential
properties of objects, the films refute abstraction, foregrounding questions
of Romanticism surrounding metaphor and exchanging lyrical and mythopoeic
modes for those of economic observation./ In Mackís ìPersian Picklesî
(2012), a study of paisley patterns traces the motif from its origins in
Persian weavings to appearances in Irish quilting and American
counterculture. Her ongoing ìBlanket Statementî series uses quilts to evoke
issues of domestic security, citing appearances of quilts in the fine arts
from Michelangelo Pistoletto to Beryl Korot. ìPoint de Gazeî (2012) and
ìRazzle Dazzleî (2014) employ handmade and machine-produced laces, tattings,
and intricate weavings to meditate upon the industry of desire and the
phenomenology of cinema./ Mackís films are screened in concert with ìThe
Florestine Collectionî (2011), directed by Helen Hill and Paul Gailiunas.
After discovering more than a hundred handmade dresses in a trash pile
during Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Hill set out to make a film about the
dressmaker, an elderly seamstress who had recently passed away. Hillís
husband, Paul Gailiunas, completed the film after Hillís death./ Jodie Mack
prints courtesy the artist./ ìThe Florestine Collectionî courtesy Harvard
Film Archive./ About the Artists/ Jodie Mack is an experimental animator who
received her MFA in Film, Video, and New Media from the School of the Art
Institute of Chicago. Combining the formal techniques and structures of
abstract/absolute animation with those of cinematic genres, her handmade
films use collage to explore the relationship between graphic cinema and
storytelling, the tension between form and meaning. Mackís 16mm films have
been screened at a variety of venues, including the Ann Arbor Film Festival,
the Edinburgh International Film Festival, Images Festival, Projections at
the New York Film Festival, and the Vienna International Film Festival. She
has presented solo programs internationally at institutions including the 25
FPS Festival, Anthology Film Archives, the BFI London Film Festival, the
Harvard Film Archive, REDCAT, and the International Film Festival Rotterdam.
Her work has been featured in publications like Artforum, Cinema Scope,
Senses of Cinema, and the New York Times. An Associate Professor of
Animation at Dartmouth College, where she co-organizes the experimental
media series EYEWASH, Mack is a 2017ñ2018 Film Study Center Fellow/Roberta
and David Logie Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at
Harvard University./ Helen Hill (1970ñ2007) was an American animation
filmmaker and social activist who lived in New Orleans. On December 30,
2009, the Librarian of Congress named Hillís short film ìScratch and Crowî
(1995) to the National Film Registry, a list of aesthetically, historically,
and culturally significant American motion pictures./ Moderator/ Ekrem
Serdar is the curator at Squeaky Wheel Film & Media Art Center, where he is
responsible for the organizationís exhibitions, public programming, and
artist residencies. He is the recipient of a Curatorial Fellowship from the
Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts (2017). His writing has appeared
in The Brooklyn Rail, 5harfliler, among others. He is currently working on
an exhibition titled Punctures: Textiles in Digital and Material Time that
will open in Buffalo in Fall 2019. He is from Ankara, Turkey.


Oakland: Shapeshifters Cinema
7:30-10PM, Temescal Art Center, 511 48th St. Oakland, CA
 - - scratching - - scarring - - stitching - - sewing - - sowing - - mending
- - threading - - projecting - - Filmmaker, projectionist & seamstress Linda
Scobie will be presenting ON THE MEND, a 16mm film performance with sound by
Capt J Rab. 

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