Kris Kennaway wrote:
> jef moskot wrote:
>> On Thu, 4 Sep 2008, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
>>> I must have missed something, how would running the Chrome browser 
>>> collect our valuable data?
>> What other purpose would Google have for creating this software? 
>> Everything Google does is attempt to collect more data, whether it's 
>> collecting the world's email or convincing corporations, universities, 
>> private citizens, and everyone else that storing all their documents 
>> and records on Google servers is a great idea.
>  > Whether this browser directly collects more data or simply assists them
>  > with their other collection methods, there's no other reasonable
>  > explanation for the creation of the tool.
> The big selling point of this browser is the performance of its 
> Javascript engine compared to other existing browsers.  Javascript is 
> what is used to run the client side of "web applications" Google 
> Docs, and other Google applications.
> Pushing the development of Javascript is directly tied to google's 
> ability to launch more complex web-based applications in the future.
> As for google collecting private data, this browser apparently does no 
> more of that than other existing browsers, according to:

Another reason: the javascript engine in chrome is also ported to the
ARM architecture, so it will give them better performance on ARM-based
google android mobile phones.  I'm sure you could think of yet more
reasons if you tried ;-)

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