Kevin Kinsey wrote:
>For various reasons I find myself in need of a secondary name
>server.  There are a number of free services out there ... I was
>wondering if anyone had experience with any of these, or

I did look into this a few months ago - and decided to set up my own machine 
running WebMin and FreeBSD 8 on a customer site instead (obviously with 
permission - it also provides them with extra services for no charge to them).

In my case I just couldn't find one that I was comfortable with - either the 
offers were not clearly free, or they wouldn't permit me to run the master, 
there were limitations on the number of zones and so on. The arrangement also 
lets me run a secondary mail server with anti-spam measures - minimal, but 
seems to be saving me upwards of 3GB/month on my limited Australian internet 
connection :)

David Rawling
PD Consulting And Security
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