Building 32-bit binaries on 64-bit 6.3

2008-05-09 Thread David Schwartz
I've been looking for a way to build 32-bit x86 binaries on an AMD64 install of FreeBSD 6.3 STABLE. It has been an exercise in frustration with every technique hitting some other obstacle. Is there some easy way to do this that I'm overlooking? It's annoying that passing the

RE: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use

2007-12-19 Thread David Schwartz
The real reason MS was there on trial was - da dum - that they were price-setting the OPERATING SYSTEM prices. The argument was that MS was a legal monopoly of operating systems and acting in an anticompetitive fashion. Why the trial brought Netscape into the trial at all is likely that

RE: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use

2007-12-19 Thread David Schwartz
David, this is getting really tiring. Do you have such much as a shred of evidence to support your assertion that Microsoft was really afraid of anything? Yes or no. If you have no evidence, go away. If you have evidence, present it. Ted Nothing would satisfy you except perhaps a video

RE: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use

2007-12-19 Thread David Schwartz
This would require a kind of foresight on Gates' part that he simply didn't have. It really doesn't matter whether Bill Gates genuinely feared that the Internet First it was Microsoft feared Now it's Bill Gates feared Since I made it precisely clear what I mean in both cases, what

RE: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use

2007-12-18 Thread David Schwartz
Don't be foolish. Microsoft would have lost the case if they had admitted the real reasons for what they did. It isn't to MS's benefit to reveal anything about the real reasons they do a thing. That's true, but that completely undercuts your argument. Giving IE away to get revenue for

RE: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use

2007-12-18 Thread David Schwartz
I will act as an arbiter for a minute here, can I? The support for your position comes in bulk from historical data. Ted holds that the whole Netscape ordeal was manipulated to intentionally put Microsoft into vulnerable position in that respect, so as to divert attention of the court from

RE: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use

2007-12-18 Thread David Schwartz
MS dumped a pile of money into development of IE7 because it gets a pile of money in return from the root certificate authorities. Just like MS dumps a pile of money into development of operating systems because they get a pile of money in return from the PC companies that sell PC's with

RE: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use

2007-12-17 Thread David Schwartz
Those payments are gigantic. Imagine for a second if Verisign told Microsoft to kiss off, they were no longer going to pay Microsoft for renting space in the IE root certificate store. Microsoft would simply issue a root certificate revoke in Windows Updates for the Verisign public key, and

RE: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use

2007-12-17 Thread David Schwartz
David Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: More likely, Microsoft was afraid that a portable browser could become the platform of the future, making the operating system no longer particularly important. No. At the time (1995), Microsoft had no clue about what the Internet

RE: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use

2007-12-17 Thread David Schwartz
Java was little more than a toy in 1995, and Netscape did not support it until Navigator 2.0 was released in March, 1996. There was no way Microsoft could consider the Netscape / Java combination a threat in May 1995, because it simply did not exist. DES -- Dag-Erling Smørgrav - [EMAIL

RE: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use

2007-12-17 Thread David Schwartz
Do you really not understand it? I'll try one more time. Anyone who writes a browser that grabs major market share has a guarenteed stream of cash from the root certificate authorities. Netscape figured this out first, then when MS caught on, they pushed them out of business to grab that

RE: viral license free fork of freebsd

2007-10-05 Thread David Schwartz
I am intrested in putting together a version of FreeBSD (at least the non-ports portion) that is 100% viral license (gpl and lgpl [not techinically viral but I don't trust it]) free... where would be a good starting point on this project? The short answer is that you simply cannot do this.

RE: viral license free fork of freebsd

2007-10-05 Thread David Schwartz
I am intrested in putting together a version of FreeBSD (at least the non-ports portion) that is 100% viral license (gpl and lgpl [not techinically viral but I don't trust it]) free... where would be a good starting point on this project? The short answer is that you simply cannot do


2007-07-12 Thread David Schwartz
I would strongly advise against using any cryptographic product based on an algorithm which was designed by an amateur and has never been subject to review or cryptanalysis. DES There are what appear to me on quick inspection to be serious flaws in the this software. For example, it uses

RE: Can anybody terminate an IP-IP tunnel for me?

2007-06-08 Thread David Schwartz
In a few weeks' time I'll be moving house, and it looks as if the new address currently doesn't have ADSL, so I'll be forced to use satellite again. I've done some investigation, and the costs don't look too prohibitive, but almost nobody is prepared to route my /24 net block

RE: Fwd: Serious breach of copyright -- First post

2006-06-20 Thread David Schwartz
I had a look at and I am afraid that you will find this article is not eligible for copyright. It constitutes neither an artistic nor literary work. The article conveys only facts and facts are not eligible for copyright. Wow, you are

RE: Software patents and FreeBSD

2005-07-19 Thread David Schwartz
On Sunday 10 July 2005 08:16 pm, Matthew D. Fuller wrote: Thank you. I am against patents all together. . . :-D If there was no patent system, the same effect would be achieved by contracts and EULAs. The net effect would be the same as with patents, except that the terms would not be