On Wed, 2 Dec 2009, Nicole wrote:
> I don't want to be one of those people who say, "please CC me as I'm
> not subscribed to the list".
I don't think anyone would actually mind; not only that, but it's my
understanding that that's s.o.p. for the freebs
If you're trying to do trig, presumably the same ideas apply. Since
cos x = 1/2 (e^ix + e^-ix)
you need to be able to move one half of the slide rule perpendicular to
the plane that the other half occupies?
Yours in theory,
jan grant, ISYS, University of Bristol. http://www.bris.
timestamping an event seems a little arbitrary. Much beyond it and it's
not clear exactly what you're "measuring" - or even if there is any
physical interpretation.
jan grant, ISYS, University of Bristol. http://www.bris.ac.uk/
ent", there's mulberry. It's been through some
rough times recently though and its status is somewhat uncertain.
Mulberry also has a flavour some find not to their linking (that is,
it's pig-ugly).
jan grant, ISYS, University of Bristol. http://www.bris.ac
ever installed.
Now he's back. And he wants revenge.
> Anyways, enough pipe dreams, I have to get back to reading my logs.
Say EHLO to vengeance!
jan grant, ISYS, University of Bristol. http://www.bris.ac.uk/
Tel +44 (0)117 3317661 http://ioctl.org/jan/
unning, roguish, waggish, and
mischevous, freebsd-arch should be added to the CC:.
jan grant, ISYS, University of Bristol. http://www.bris.ac.uk/
Tel +44 (0)117 3317661 http://ioctl.org/jan/
OORDBMSs make me feel old; I remember when this was all fields.
;Being a MacOS user as well I think /Volumes is fine, but if someone
> > >>>knows what Linux uses that might be fine as well and I'm also happy
> > >>>with /media.
> > >>>
> > >>>Later,
> > >>>George
> > >>
definition; Leibniz wouldn't.
jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol. http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/
Tel +44 (0)117 9287088 or 3317661 http://ioctl.org/jan/
"NOP" is a trivial implementation of an executable Z subset.
in Solaris. Maybe I just didn't get
> something? What you think?
>From my experience of it thus far, 10 is the first solaris on intel that
doesn't suck; even on a UP box.
jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol. http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/
Tel +44(0)117 9287864 or +44 (0
d be the perfect place to ask. If his interest
> where MENEM or something ok then i maybe would agree :)
Please move this to freebsd-chat-up@
jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol. http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/
Tel +44(0)117 9287864 or +44 (0)
10 matches
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