Now that I've committed a change which fixes that pesky
lstat() panic in fdesc, I'd like to suggest that it replace the
existing /dev/fd devices and /dev/std{err,in,out}.  I've already
got such a setup running on a test box:

     Filesystem  1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
     /dev/da0s1a     49583    25320    20297    56%    /
     /dev/da0s1f    804119   697621    42169    94%    /usr
     /dev/da0s1e     19815      840    17390     5%    /var
     procfs              4        4        0   100%    /proc
     fdesc               1        1        0   100%    /dev

   This fdesc mount is mounted with the `union' option.

   And a little demonstration of the 'lightness' of fdesc over
our oodles-of-device-nodes:

     $ ls -l 3<&1 4<&1 9<&1
     total 0
     crw-------  1 chris  tty      5,   0 Mar 18 05:02 0
     crw-------  1 chris  tty      5,   0 Mar 18 05:02 1
     crw-------  1 chris  tty      5,   0 Mar 18 05:02 2
     crw-------  1 chris  tty      5,   0 Mar 18 05:02 3
     crw-------  1 chris  tty      5,   0 Mar 18 05:02 4
     dr--r--r--  2 root   wheel       512 Mar 18 04:38 5
     dr--r--r--  2 root   wheel       512 Mar 18 04:38 6
     dr--r--r--  2 root   wheel       512 Mar 18 04:38 7
     crw-------  1 chris  tty      5,   0 Mar 18 05:02 9

   Compared to our 63 device nodes, I think this is much nicer.
Any of you folks have feedback?

|Chris Costello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Using TSO is like kicking a dead whale down the beach.  -- S. C. Johnson

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