Please send me a message if the drive you have is not attached as a Y-E
Data floppy drive or the transfer speed is not given as 30kb/s.

Basically if in your dmesg something else than 

umass0: Y-E DATA FlashBuster-U, rev 1.00/1.14, addr 2, UFI over CBI with CCI
da0 at umass0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <Y-E DATA USB-FDU 1.14> Removable Direct Access SCSI-0 device
da0: 30KB/s transfers
da0: 1MB (2880 512 byte sectors: 2H 18S/T 80C)

shows up, let me know. We might have to add some things in the driver
for it.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          USB project

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