
   Sources current as of 9:30pm EST...

===> share/misc
install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444  ascii birthtoken bsd-family-tree eqnchar 
flowers init.ee inter.phone  iso3166 iso639 man.template mdoc.template operator 
scsi_modes /usr/share/misc
===> share/mk
install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 bsd.README bsd.dep.mk bsd.doc.mk bsd.docb.mk 
bsd.info.mk bsd.kern.mk bsd.kmod.mk bsd.lib.mk bsd.libnames.mk bsd.man.mk 
bsd.obj.mk bsd.own.mk bsd.port.mk bsd.port.post.mk  bsd.port.pre.mk 
bsd.port.subdir.mk bsd.prog.mk bsd.sgml.mk bsd.subdir.mk sys.mk  /usr/share/mk
date '+%Y%m%d' > /var/db/pkg/.mkversion
cannot create /var/db/pkg/.mkversion: directory nonexistent
*** Error code 2

*** Error code 1

   /var/db/pkg doesn't exist in the make release area... I don't
know if it should or not... Thanks for any insight...


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