Bugzilla Automation <bugzi...@freebsd.org> has asked freebsd-gecko (Nobody)
<ge...@freebsd.org> for maintainer-feedback:
Bug 275814: www/firefox has the wrong version in the Makefile

--- Description ---
In the 2023Q4 ports branch the Makefile does not match the distfile :

# cat distinfo
TIMESTAMP = 1702328424
SHA256 (firefox-121.0.source.tar.xz) =
SIZE (firefox-121.0.source.tar.xz) = 530302784

# cat  Makefile
PORTNAME=       firefox
DISTVERSION=    120.0.1

So poudriere is making bad noises :

[00:00:14] Hit CTRL+t at any time to see build progress and stats
[00:00:14] [01] [00:00:00] Building www/firefox | firefox-120.0.1,2
[00:00:24] [01] [00:00:10] Finished www/firefox | firefox-120.0.1,2: Failed:
[00:00:24] Stopping 1 builders

Looks like a trivial fix.

Thank you

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