hello all,
I have to set up a box able to run >5000 processes. I have the hardware
for it (i386 architecture, lots of RAM, lots of CPU power)
I'm playing with VM parameters, tuning everything possible, but can't get
more than 3800 - 4000 processes without getting the box unstable.
I need some h
I've just played a bit with libpam, and the modules. My basic problem
is: I _really need_ login accounting, and pam_limits.so (in
Linux-PAM) does a good work for me.
I have seen that the code imported into the cvs tree is rather old -
(v0.65?) so I grabbed the new sources, and started ha
> I assume this is a compiler bug. Is there a workaround or a patch
> available for the system compiler or should I install the gcc-devel port
> (for which I probably don't have enough disk space, but oh well)?
yes, it's a bug, and you can work around it by removing the CFLAG -O2
anyway, XFree8
> So I've missed the whole discussion on the sblive driver timetable and
> the archives didn't help much. And I just grabbed creative's source for
> a linux driver from opensource.creative.com. Needless to say, it needs
> some work before it will compile. Is anybody else working on this? I'm
> tir
is there any alternative (non-commercial) C compiler to use, or is gcc the
I have just upgraded my system to -current w/egcs 2.95.2 and I have
several problems with it, especially when using optimizations (-O2 and
ok I know there's the good old gcc but a good BSD-license
mount /cdrom
cd /cdrom
umount -f /cdrom
cd ..
will cause 100% reproduceable kernel panic (page fault)
I know forced umount is dangerous, but soo ... =P
it's 3.3-RELEASE
-- mauzi
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> Do you have UDMA turned on?
is ``flags 0xa0ffa0ff'' enough or should I set something else too?
-- mauzi
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> what kind of disk to you have? and the chipset? (this may seem irrelevant
> but misconfigured DMA devices can block the cpu for long enough to cause
> this sort of thing in some cases). ALSO check systat -vmstat while this
> is happenning and check that you don't have a source of spurious
> inte
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