FreeBSD developers/users,
    At this week's Usenix conference, Wind River will have a representative
(namely me :) at the FreeBSD booth to help answer questions about Wind and
our relationship to the FreeBSD project. It's an informal setting where you
should feel free to ask about any concerns or ideas you might have; I'll do
my best to answer as directly as possible.
    Please bear in mind that there are many questions that we simply don't
have answers for yet. For example, questions on specific technology areas
that Wind may or may not make a contribution are very premature, and as much
as I'd like to be able to say what we're doing with PowerPC, network drivers,
installation technology and others we just don't know at this point. I
believe there are many other questions that I can answer, though, and I look
forward to meeting people from the community and learning more about your
needs and ideas.
    If there are other common questions you're interested in hearing Wind's
perspective on feel free to email me; we're preparing a printed FAQ to be
distributed at the booth to help spread the message a little bit more

-Jason Anderson
Manager, Wind River FreeBSD Engineering

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