I can't believe the amount of BS that I'm seeing posted here. Terry, stop posting 
SHIT, please, nobody gives a flying fuck about Zen, or Aristotle, ok?

Then we have all the other people who replied to those trolls, sometimes with 
insulting comments, without realizing they just showed what a bunch of clueless 
fuckwits they are. Never judge a persons IQ by his willing to troll or crapflood. 
Those are not related. And don't assume I've never written good software just because 
I decided to troll a bit. I've probably written more lines of quality C and assembler 
now than most of you will in your entire life.

Then we have the people shouting loud "You're a troll!". That I am and worse, much 
worse, but I do have ethics. Let's not get started on the amount of crapflooding now 
going on freebsd-security@, so the signal/noise ratio was low? Gimme a break, it's 0 

Gentlement, don't confuse kindness with weakness.


BTW, greetings to  Jordan Hubbard[1]

"When i think of "politics," i think of Jordan Hubbard, flat out lying
about what's in, or going to be in, FreeBSD, or what the system can
do, or what's wrong with the system.  (worth noting: I've come to
understand Kolstad, even see him as a reasonable person.  I see jordan
as a _liar_, period.)  _that's_ not the game that we, or i, play."
                             Chris G Demetriou (NetBSD core team)

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