What is the current status of using an LDAP server together with
PAM for authentication in FreeBSD? Has anybody got around to
implement a working solution for configuring the name service
information routines in libc (e.g. nsswitch.conf or something

Search in the mailing list archives showed that there was some
discussion about this topic about a year ago, and some people
seemingly working on solutions, but I have found nothing
since August 1999. I'd appreciate it if those who were concerned
would mail me about their results (or unsurmountable problems or
reasons for abandoning the project). I'm also interested in any
pointers to information about the topic.

Thanks in advance

|| Olaf Wagner           | [EMAIL PROTECTED] (private) |
|| Cranachstrasse 7      | [EMAIL PROTECTED] (business)            |
|| D-12157 Berlin        | phone: +49 30  85 58 01 81            | 
|| Germany / Deutschland | fax:   +49 30  85 58 01 88            | 

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