Need some articles on routing sockets in FreeBSD

2006-07-27 Thread Shriek
I need to understand the usage and to some level details of the routing sockets (internals may not be the exact word but still ... :-] ) there is this scenario of this multiple daemons that are communicating using *rt_sock *and need to trace the communication that is happening ... for this I

How to debug a daemon during its initialization :: gdb

2006-08-08 Thread Shriek
I need to use gdb to check some initialization functions which are called during the time when the daemon is stopped and restarted ... I usually do gdb but this will not help when I am stopping the daemon and then restarting ... how do I use gdb to this effect ? ___

Is it possible to trace the routing socket messages going from the kernel to a particular daemon

2006-08-17 Thread Shriek
Is it possible that we can add some loadable module into the kernel to get a pid of a daemon-process and then somehow trace routing socket messages coming in / going out from the kernel to that particular daemon ? The thing why I am in need of this is that there are two daemons , one daemon is re