[This might not belong on -hackers, but I'm not sure where this
sort of discussion _does_ belong}.

Occasionally, single CVS changes affect large numbers of files.  The
comments associated with those commits generally fall into 3 categories:
1) Import version x.y into vendor branch z
2) [Detailed discussion of change]
3) Implement xxx as discussed on freebsd-yyy

I'm not concerned about the first change.  Information regarding the
specifics will normally be in a CHANGELOG or similar file associated
with the change.

The second commit style correctly documents what has been done, but
leads to repository bloat by repeating the message in multiple

The third commit style solves the repo-bloat problem, but loses the
reasoning behind the change.  (It might be in one of the mailing list
archives, but locating it in future may be difficult).

I'd like to suggest that where a major change (one that needs more
than a line or two of explanation) affects a significant number of
files, the commit be performed in two pieces: Firstly a null commit to
a convenient file associated with the change (eg a README or Makefile)
including the full explanation behind the proposed commit in the log
message.  Secondly the actual change of all files, with the log message
just referencing the file/version containing the detailled log message.

In this way, the reasons for the change get stored within the
repository, without bloating it.

I believe the 'description first, then changes' order is better than
the opposite order for two reasons:  1) This allows comments to be
added to files that are going to be deleted.  2) The change commit can
specify the already known version of the file containing the log


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