I think leaving the 4.x clients in a known configuration and just varying
the server configurations the right starting point. Let's try tracking
the server 5.x stability/performance first, then look into the client 4.x
crash reports.

I've seen amazing performance differences between 4.9 and 5.3 in one case: a mail server with Cyrus-imapd and a MySQL database for authentication, using fiberchannel disk arrays.

I couldn't do elaborate benchmarks (it is a production system) but I ran into a situation in which 4.9 spent about 90 % of CPU time in system (mostly syncer) and, just upgrading to 5.3 the problem disappeared.

In both cases I had tuned some system variables (and I haven't changed the variables between 4.9 and 5.3). Notably, I set up a dirhash cache of 64 MB, because the machine had lots of huge directories.

The workload is now the same, and it's working like a charm. The machine is a Dell Poweredge 2650 with two CPUs.


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