I've been requested (by Fernando) to pass the word that the new Open1X (802.1x supplicant) has support for FreeBSD "wired" mode (over Ethernet) built-in! This is important as now both wireless (via builtin WPA support) and wired modes can be used (client-side).

Here's the announcement:

From: Chris Hessing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Open1x-xsupplicant] Xsupplicant 1.2 Released

I am pleased to announce a new release of Xsupplicant, along with some
changes to how releases will be coming in the future.

The new version of Xsupplicant contains basic support for WPA &
802.11i/WPA2. (WPA2 currently only works with private IOCTLs on the IPW
card, and WE18 support with the hostap driver.  Pre-authentication,
amd PMKSA cacheing are not implemented yet.) We have also
added wired support for FreeBSD, thanks to a contribution from
Fernando Schapachnik.  There were also numerous bug fixes, and code

There will also be some changes to the way that future Xsupplicant
releases will come out.  The plan is to release versions more frequently.
Small bug fixes, and feature additions will be released in the format
x.y.z.  Once their is enough new features, and bug fixes, the "y" version
number will be bumpped.  So, version 1.2.1 will be small feature
additions, and any needed bug fixes.  The goal is to have releases more


Every sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology
   - Arthur C Anticlarke

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