
> jhubbard@wafer-> ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> otp-md5 114 wi7854 ext
> S/Key Password: 
> otp-md5 117 wi5044 ext
> S/Key Password: 
> otp-md5 397 wi0652 ext
> S/Key Password: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password: 

If anyone is concerned about revealing too much information on
valid/invalid OTP login names through S/Key or OPIE fake challanges,
here is a proof of concept of a much better stateless fake challenge
generator. It shouldn't be possible to distuingish valid from invalid
OTP login names by just giving a few login attempts. It would not
last a statistical analysis, but that many failed login attempts
should show up in the logs and raise an alert condition.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# It should not be important to have two distinct secrets
my $secret1 = "Soylent Green is human!";
my $secret2 = "Komm suesser Tod (BWV 471)";

# The sequence number should not drop beyond 3, since the user needs
# a sequence number to reset the counter.
my $init_seq = 499;
my $min_seq = 2;
my $max_seq = $init_seq - $min_seq;

# get_fake_challenge(const char *login, time_t esec)
# This subroutine computes a sufficiently good fake sequence
# for a given login name and a date.
sub get_fake_challenge {

  my ($login, $esec) = @_;

  # Assuming, a user logs in a few times a day, we have to use a login
  # schedule, that is constant (but different) for each user.
  my $lognums = 2 + (hex substr(`md5 -q -s "$login$secret1"`, 0, 1)) % 7;
  my $delta = int (($esec / ((24 * 60 * 60) / $lognums)) / $max_seq);

  # Compute seed and sequence number
  my $seed = `md5 -q -s "$delta$login$secret2"`;
  chomp $seed;
  my $seq = $init_seq -
            ((int ($esec / ((24 * 60 * 60) / $lognums))) % $max_seq);

  return ($seq, $seed);


# testcase
my $testlogin = "nouser";

$i = 1;
for ($date = 1016265366; $date < 1226000000; $date += 1) {
  ($seq, $seed) = get_fake_challenge ("nouser", $date);
  ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
  printf ("%02u.%02u.%04u %02u:%02u:%02u (%03u, %s)\n",
          $mday+1, $mon, $year+1900, $hour, $min, $sec, $seq, $seed);
  if (!($i++ % 40)) {
    $i = 1;
    print "Press [RETURN].";

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