
The OpenWatcom on FreeBSD project is one day old but it has advanced greatly(see attached message for current status). FreeBSD experts are welcome.


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Okay, I've done some tweaks to the source code so that some of it builds on FreeBSD. Note that currently the build thinks it's targeting Linux, which will need to be fixed. Most of the tools don't really care as long as it's some sort of UNIX, but some do.

There are two different ways to build: one uses the build.sh script and the other uses boot.sh. I would suggest concentrating on the latter.

The "boot" build uses exclusively the native compiler and builds wmake, wlink, wdis, debugger, profiler, vi, and a few other odds and ends.

 Right now the rough status is:

 - wmake builds and appears to work without any problems

 - wlink builds and partially works but crashes in some situations

- wdis builds and works on some objects but not others, apparently because of some ELF reloc type not seen previously

- debugger user interface does not build due to Linux-specific ioctls which need replacing with BSD equivalents

- trap file does not build because Linux-specific ptrace stuff needs to be modified

 - profiler doesn't build either for similar reasons

- vi builds but crashes at startup because of insufficient error checking; the real problem is that a build ncurses it uses is configured for Linux and fails to init on FreeBSD

The "regular" build manages to compile wasm and wcc386, both apparently functional (after I fixed a GCC-specific problem in wcc386). It seems likely that both could be used as cross-compilers as long as wlink works (which it doesn't quite appear to).

Anyway I'm no UNIX expert and I've seen FreeBSD for the first time yesterday, so now some real FreeBSD expertise is needed. IMO the best course of action is to port the debugger first, because that has proven extremely useful on Linux. I would also like to have the Watcom vi available, just because I can use the exact same editor on Windows, DOS, OS/2, and Linux (the failing console support stuff is shared by vi, debugger, profiler, and one or two other tools). Since FreeBSD uses ELF+DWARF as far as I can tell, there should be little work needed on the file format support, just the OS debugging interface.

The other line of work is adding FreeBSD support to the Watcom clib runtime; I expect this should not be terribly difficult for someone familiar with FreeBSD internals if the Linux clib is used as a starting point.

In general, it may be helpful to have a Linux box handy for comparison, because all this works (or at least should work) on Linux.


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