There's still time! Join us in Portland, OR, June 15-16, 2011, for the
2nd USENIX Conference on Web Application Development. The Early Bird
Registration Deadline has been extended. Register by Tuesday, May 31,
2011, for the greatest savings.

WebApps '11 is designed to bring together experts in all aspects of
developing and deploying Web applications. The program features
cutting-edge research that advances the state of the art, not only
on novel Web applications but also on infrastructure, tools, and
techniques that support the development, analysis/testing, operation, or
deployment of those applications. Take advantage of this opportunity for
interaction and synergy across these areas.

The technical program includes:
* Invited Talks:
-- "Software G Forces: The Effects of Acceleration," by Kent Beck of
Facebook, the inventor of Extreme Programming

-- Panel on "The Future of Client-side Web Apps," moderated by Michael
Maximilien, IBM Research; including panelists: Patrick Chanezon, Google,
Inc.; Charles Ying, Flipboard, Inc.; Erik Meijer, Microsoft Corp.; Raffi
Krikorian, Twitter, Inc.

-- Keynote Address: "An Agenda for Empirical Cyber Crime Research," by
Stefan Savage, UCSD

-- Plenary Talk: "Dead Media: What the Obsolete, Unsuccessful,
Experimental, and Avant-Garde Can Teach Us About the Future of Media,"
by Finn Brunton, NYU

-- "Helping Humanity with Phones and Clouds," by Matthew Faulkner and
Michael Olson, Caltech

-- "Linux PC Robot," by Mark Woodward, Mohawksoft

* Refereed papers that present the latest research in developing and
deploying Web applications.

* A Poster Session and Happy Hour held jointly with USENIX ATC '11. The
poster session provides a great way to let other people know about your
work and to get useful feedback from the community. Poster submissions
are due Monday, May 30, at 9:00 p.m. PDT. Find out more here:

Check out the full program here:

Plus, don't miss the opportunity to mingle with colleagues and leading
experts in the combined Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BoFs) and at the
other evening social events, vendor BoFs, and receptions.

Because WebApps '11 is part of the USENIX Federated Conferences Week,
you can create your own conference experience. Your daily registration
gets you into all the events happening that day: tutorials, talks,
workshops--you name it. Plus, registration packages offer expanded
discounts: the more days you attend, the more you save!

I look forward to seeing you in Portland!

Armando Fox, University of California, Berkeley
WebApps '11 Program Chair
2nd USENIX Conference on Web Application Development (WebApps '11)
June 15-16, 2011
Portland, OR
Part of USENIX Federated Conferences Week, June 14-17, 2011
Early Bird Registration Extended Deadline: May 31, 2011
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