Now that the cvs-crypto collection is gone and crypto code can be
exported from the US, you may wish to update your cvsup-mirror
installation so that it doesn't produce warnings saying that
cvs-crypto is an unknown collection.  I have updated the cvsup-mirror
port itself today, but if you already have it installed then you might
find it easier to make the changes manually.  Here's how.

    - Cd into /usr/local/etc/cvsup.

    - Edit "" and change the setting of "host_crypto" to make
      it the same as "host".

    - Edit "supfile" and remove the line containing "cvs-crypto".

    - Delete the symbolic link "prefixes/FreeBSD-crypto.cvs".

That's all you need to do.

  John Polstra                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  John D. Polstra & Co., Inc.                        Seattle, Washington USA
  "Disappointment is a good sign of basic intelligence."  -- Chögyam Trungpa

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