I am interested in writing man pages for some kernel
functions related to some work that I am doing.  As
I am not familiar with a lot of the code that I am
going through I am looking for someone who would be
willing to "validate" what I write before (or after) I
send it (is send-pr the best way to submit that type
of stuff?).

I have already written vinvalbuf.9 and have a list of
about ten others that I am going to try to get to in the
next few days, and after that the functions that stem
from those.

If this should be directed to doc (I didn't think many
people with the ability to comment on these docs would
be there), or if there is no demand for or interest in
this type of documentation just let me know and I will
skip the whole mdoc thing and go straight to HTML :).


Chad David

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