src/usr.bin/netstat/if.c was modified back in late November 1995, to expand the "Network" field from 11 characters to 13:
| Revision 12459 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs] | Modified Wed Nov 22 22:21:04 1995 UTC (14 years, 8 months ago) by se | File length: 11619 byte(s) | Diff to previous 11819 | | Increase width of Network column from 11 to 13 for the AF_INET case. | This seems to have been missed, when the recent IPX changes went in ... While I appreciate the thought & effort, it should be readily apparent that even 13 characters is insufficient to represent even an IPv4 address in dotted quad format (in the general case), let alone a network specification in CIDR format: is 15 characters for the IPv4 address part itself, plus another 3 for the mask, totalling 18. I just checked NetBSD sources (<>), and it appears that they (also) use "%-13.13s" as the format specification for Network. (OpenBSD appears to use "%-11.11s", thus limiting the output to 11 characters.) OpenSolaris, per <> apparently uses "%-14s" as the format specification -- which avoids the (potentail) truncation issue entirely. I realize that the information in question is avaiklable in other ways, but limiting the size of the "Network" field of netstat(1) to 13 characters yields some rather ... odd ... results -- e.g.: d254(7.3-S)[23] netstat -nif inet Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll xl0 1500 95210 - 90017 - - lo0 16384 195 - 195 - - d254(7.3-S)[24] As evidence that the xl0 NIX is, in fact, not on a /2, I submit: d254(7.3-S)[24] netstat -nrf inet Routing tables Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire default UGS 0 61386 xl0 UH 0 195 lo0 link#1 UC 0 0 xl0 00:1a:a0:62:96:09 UHLW 2 286 xl0 431 d254(7.3-S)[25] ifconfig xl0 xl0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500 options=9<RXCSUM,VLAN_MTU> ether 00:08:74:e9:c9:41 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>) status: active d254(7.3-S)[26] I suppose the thing that's bugging me here is that "netstat -nif inet" appears to be mis-stating the situation. I believe it would be ideal if it were to provide correct output, but failing that, I'm tempted to suggest that it might be better to be silent on the matter. Of course, the general output of netstat(1) is fairly well entrenched in history, and I don't advocate change for its own sake. Anyone else think this is enough of a "problem" that it merits modifying the code (e.g., in netstat/if.c) a bit? Peace, david -- David H. Wolfskill Depriving a girl or boy of an opportunity for education is evil. See for my public key.
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