The current state of vimage in -current is such that we can do some performance testing. Unfortunatly I don't have a test plan in place..

The aim is to run some tests on systems with VIMAGE_GLOBALS defined and not defined and see if there are any detectable differences.

Firstly I have done some simple tests myself (e.g. scps, pings, ftps)

but it would be very helpful if people coudl compile up an
alternative kernel with VIMAGE_GLOBALS defined
and see if their everyday workloads show any noticeable differences.

nothing special.. just time a few things you often do that may
be special to you and are network intensive, and then
switch to the other kernel and try it again.
Then put the results in ministat (saying whether bigger is better
or worse)

Ok do it several times for statistical purposes,

reply to me (and the list) and let us know if you are
seeing differences anywhere..

regards.. Julian

(p.s. I will put numbers up too when I get some more)

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