Wireless USB adapter

2004-02-25 Thread gareth bailey
I have an X-Micro wireless USB Adapter that prints "ugen0: vendor 0x0ace USB WLAN, rev 1.10/1.01, addr 2" when i plug it in. Is there any way i can get this device to work under FreeBSD? Gareth ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing

Re: Wireless USB Adapter

2004-02-19 Thread Petri Helenius
Gareth Bailey wrote: Does anyone know how to configure FreeBSD to use a wireless USB WLAN adapter. The adapter is a X-Micro WLAN USB adapter. When i plug it into FreeBSD i get a "ugen0" device loaded message. I understand this means that the OS doesn't specifically recognise it as a WIFI adapter,

Wireless USB Adapter

2004-02-19 Thread Gareth Bailey
Does anyone know how to configure FreeBSD to use a wireless USB WLAN adapter. The adapter is a X-Micro WLAN USB adapter. When i plug it into FreeBSD i get a "ugen0" device loaded message. I understand this means that the OS doesn't specifically recognise it as a WIFI adapter, treating it as a g