I didn't actually solve it or do anything.
I just upgraded to RELENG_8.
Now it's behaving more like FreeBSD should.
I can do sequential reads/writes and still
use kbd/mouse/X11/buildworld and so on.
Yes, the cpu is still completely underwater,
and allowing for that, it seems interactivity
is nearl
grarpamp wrote:
> > cards aren't going to help with zfs.
> No, but for geli hifn(4) crypto(4)/(9), geli(8) might work
> if aes-cbc is indeed the mode geli uses. See the source I guess.
Note that only the most expensive cards are faster than a CPU. Unless you've
got a very large budget, you'
> cards aren't going to help with zfs.
No, but for geli hifn(4) crypto(4)/(9), geli(8) might work
if aes-cbc is indeed the mode geli uses. See the source I guess.
> Does anyone make a disk controller with crypto built in?
Yes. There are trays and cable dongles and things that do aes/des.
And som
> > hardware crypto accellerators
> The soekris ones work and are cheap. I thougt I saw posts that show
> openssl -speed on today's fast cpu's being faster than the accel
> cards. Disk crypto is symmetric, not initial pki session setup.
The accel cards probably don't get updated as often as cpu
> nice only affects userland
Well, you can set {id,rt}prio and nice on kernel processes. Then
look at top to see the nice column change. Have no idea what effect
it has nor what the non '-' chars on those procs in that column
> Do you *need* geli+zfs?
Encryption = required.
ZFS... well I l
> I can dd if=/dev/ad[n].eli of=/dev/null bs=1m and use 75% system
> all in geli, 27% disk busy, 20MiB/sec. Interface was slower but
> reasonable.
I think I understand now. You're doing encryption in the kernel,
which eats a lot of cpu, and nice only affects userland. So yeah
cpu is a significan
> Are you *sure* that the cpu is your bottleneck?
Well, I've got a gig free in /usr/local which is ufs2+softdeps. So
I just dd if=dev/zero bs=1m of=zero there. Disk was 100% busy, cpu
was 10-15% system, 10% user, about 16MiB/sec.
Of course since that is my system spindle, and it was busied out
> Hi. I'm running RELENG_7 on an older single P4. It has a lot of
> disk on it that does mainly sequential read/write of gigs of data.
> In short, whenever I'm doing sequential disk stuff, human interface
> system performance tanks, big time.
> I used to do similar stuff on RELENG_4 on an old dua
Hi. I'm running RELENG_7 on an older single P4. It has a lot of
disk on it that does mainly sequential read/write of gigs of data.
The data disks are hanging off a dumb ata133 pdc20269 card, they
use geli aes 128 and zfs sha256, single spindles. Free ram, no swap,
free disk, no net, etc.
In short,