I installed gnome2-2.16.3 and gnome-mount-0.4_2, hal- 
All device and media mounting but not without errors. But most of the errors I 
wonder conversion of charset. Earlier fstab file, I have the following lines:
/dev/acd0  /cdrom   cd9660  ro,noauto,-CKOI8-R                0 0
/dev/ad2s1 /dos     ntfs    ro,noauto,-CKOI8-R                0 0
/dev/fd0   /floppy  msdosfs rw,noauto,-DCP866,-Lru_RU.KOI8-R  0 0
What can i do to convert charset now?
I have been told that the 0.5 version of this issue has been resolved. Once it 
is ported?

P.S. Floppy disk is not mounted.
Sincerely, Eugene Nujdin.
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