Re: FreeBSD Port: horde-4.0.15

2012-11-27 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le mer 28 nov 12 à 2:29:51 +0100, Campbell (Freebsd support, IT HO) écrivait : > G'Day Hello, > Is there a timeline for the Horde 5 Application Framework to be added to > the ports collection? Just wait for the end of the ports freeze, i.e. the release of 9.1. Best regards, -- Th. Thomas.

FreeBSD Port: horde-4.0.15

2012-11-27 Thread Campbell (Freebsd support, IT HO)
G'Day Is there a timeline for the Horde 5 Application Framework to be added to the ports collection? ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-ports-uns