I'm very excited about this new version! I finally figured out a way to incorporate the "trick" of checking the distinfo files for up-to-date distfile names into the per-port distfile cleaning routine. Now the number of false positives for other distfiles with similar names (ala php-*, Net-*, Digest-*, X11R6.9.0-* etc.) will be significantly reduced, almost to 0. Using a temp file to store this information also speeds up the distfile checking part of the --clean-distfiles* options, without penalizing the distinfo file information gathering process.

The --show-work option is something I've had on my TODO list for a long time, and finally had a brief flash of inspiration on how to implement cheaply.



-------- Original Message --------
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 23:47:44 +0000 (UTC)

  New Features
  1. --show-work option which will recurse through all-depends-list
  and show what dependencies are, and are not installed.
  2. Dramatically reduce false positives for per-port distfile
  cleaning by creating a list of valid distfiles for all ports. Use
  this new method for the --clean-distfiles* options as well.

  Bug Fix
  Honor DISTDIR if set for --clean-distfiles*


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