I have a question in relation to the FreeBSD license framework and how
to define a port with distribution restrictions. The port in question is
devel/vasm port.
The legal section of documentation (1.2) for this port is at:
It is not clear to me how it should be done. So far I have the following
proposal which seems to keep portlint happy:
LICENSE_NAME_EULA= vasm End User License Agreement
vasm is copyright in 2002-2016 by Volker Barthelmann. \
This archive may be redistributed without modifications
and used for non-commercial purposes. \
Distributing modified versions and commercial usage
needs my written consent. \
Certain modules may fall under additional copyrights.
LICENSE_PERMS_EULA= pkg-mirror dist-mirror
Would the above be sufficient in relation to the legal concerns of this
port ? I am also considering if the LICENSE_TEXT should only consists of
"Distributing modified versions and commercial usage needs my written
All (relevant) input would be appreciated.
Kind regards
Carsten Larsen
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