On 2014-Sep-02, 21:13, Peter Olsson wrote:
> Hello!

Hi Peter,

> Just wondering if you have any ideas about what I can try to fix the
> problem below?

> I have been using tmux for a couple of years, and absolutely love it.
> But after upgrading my server from FreeBSD 8.4 to 10.0, and at the
> same time upgrading tmux from 1.9.a_1 to 1.9.a_2, I can no longer do
> unlimited split-window operations. The point where this happens
> varies, from 2 to maybe 8 panes.

I have no idea, sorry. I have tmux-1.9.a_2 on 11.0-CURRENT updated ~ end
of July, and I am able to split a window to 20 or more panes easily.

I'm forwarding this to a wider audience. I hope somebody has a clue..

> When I press my configured keys for split-window or split-window -h,
> sometimes nothing at all happens, and sometimes the new pane comes up
> but disappears immediately. (I guess the new pane comes up every time,
> but sometimes disappears before I can see it.)
> Pressing prefix : and then writing split-window or split-window -h
> doesn't work either.
> Sometimes I can change to another pane, and do a few more split-window
> panes there. I can also open a new window and do a couple of
> split-window there, until I get the problem there to.
> My .tmux.conf is unaltered since it worked fine in FreeBSD 8.4.
> I thought this might be a problem with FreeBSD 10.0, so I tried tmux
> 1.9.a_2 in a server running 9.3.  Same problem there, although the
> point where the split stops working seems consistently a few panes
> higher than in 10.0.
> I thought this could be because of the new max value
> :memorylocked=64K: in the default group in login.conf, since that
> value was unlimited in 8.4 but is 64K in both 10.0 and 9.3. So I
> changed it back to unlimited and ran cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf, but
> that didn't solve the problem.
> I also tried running tmux as root, with the same .tmux.conf as my
> regular user, but root has the same problem.
> One really interesting thing is that I have a couple of scripts that
> start several (up to 25) tmux panes in one tmux window at once at
> startup, and these scripts still work. Although when I press ctrl-d
> (with set sync active so all the panes should close), the graphics of
> the terminal hangs on some of the panes, which it never did in FreeBSD
> 8.4.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Peter Olsson

Pietro Cerutti
The FreeBSD Project

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