laggport: igb1 flags=0<>
laggport: mlxen1 flags=0<>
laggport: mlxen0 flags=5
Now, I want to removr igb1 interface from that lag.
How can I do it?
Alex Liptsin
Software Quality Assurance Engineer | Mellanox Technologies Ltd.
Office: +972 (74) 72
I work with FreeBSD 9.1 RELEASE.
I had configured VLANs on my server, but I can't find a way to configure VLAN
How can I do it?
Alex Liptsin
Software Quality Assurance Engineer | Mellanox Technologies Ltd.
Office: +972 (74) 7236141
Mobile: +972(54) 783398
receive buffer 6
Jun 11 14:42:21 h-qa-033 kernel: ib1: failed to allocate receive buffer 7
I work with FreeBSD 9.1.
Is it a bug or some configuration issues?
Alex Liptsin
Software Quality Assurance Engineer | Mellanox Technologies Ltd.
Office: +972 (74) 7236141
Mobile: +972(54
Yes. There is no such entry.
The only way I found is to compile inside the kernel " options IPOIB_CM ".
Can I do it manually without compiling the kernel each time I want to switch
between the modes?
Maybe add it somehow to sysctl or loader.conf?
Alex Liptsin
Alex Liptsin
Software Quality Assurance Engineer | Mellanox Technologies Ltd.
Office: +972 (74) 7236141
Mobile: +972(54) 7833986
Fax: +972(74) 7236161
Email: al...@mellanox.com<mailto:al...@mellanox.com>
Mellanox, Tel-Hai Industrial Park. Building 7, M.P. Upper Galilee 12100
Thanks a lot.
Alex L.
Sent from my iPhone
On 5 ביונ 2013, at 18:13, "John Baldwin"
mailto:j...@freebsd.org>> wrote:
On Tuesday, June 04, 2013 5:18:46 am Alex Liptsin wrote:
I commented on that lines, because I want to compile and load that modules
I had succeed to
8020 13acbd8 kernel
21 0x81612000 21e5 if_mos.ko
33 0x81615000 124ebmlx4.ko
41 0x81628000 e225 mlx4ib.ko
51 0x81637000 ec60 mlxen.ko
The problem is that IPOIB module is missing in /sys/modules.
1. Where can I find it
I am using FreeBSD9.1
[root@h-qa-033 ~]# uname -a
FreeBSD h-qa-033 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #0: Tue May 28 11:26:45 IDT
2013 root@h-qa-033:/usr/obj/lab/odeds/freebsd/9.1.0/sys/MYKERNEL amd64
OFED and IB support are compiled in kernel.
1. How can I unload/load modules t
laggport ib1
ifconfig: SIOCSLAGGPORT: Protocol not supported
Any ideas?
Is it supported on Infiniband ports?
Alex Liptsin
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
of ICMP PMTU packets is used to cause the
networking stack to use the smaller UD MTU for these neighbours.
Thanks a lot
Alex Liptsin
Office: +972 (74) 7236141
Mobile: +972(54) 7833986
Fax: +972(74) 7236161
Email: al...@mellanox.com&l
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