
2008-11-04 Thread Alexander Renn
Hi guys, Anyone tried to get the Acer Crystal webcam (SuYin) [0xa103:0x064e] working? I build the gspca port but it does not support this webcam. I found that linux UVC driver supports this webcam so I tried to build the UVC driver using the linux-kmod-compat-20080408 and here is what I got: [EMA

/dev files default permissions

2008-02-19 Thread Alexander Renn
Hello, I'm trying to find how to change the default permissions of files created in /dev. I want /dev/bpf* to be created with 660 permissions instead of 600. Is there another way to do this instead of: # touch /dev/bpf[n] and then # chmod /dev/bpf[n] ? -- Best regards, Zander ___