I'm going to setup a jailed environment on FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE.

Base system works fine. The jail was setted up as described
in man page jail(8). In a jail I have running ssh, syslogd,
cron, apache, mysqld, inetd and sendmail - something like
"virtual FreeBSD server"  with it's own users :).
All these daemons also works on the base system correctly.

All works fine. I can ssh to this virtual host and see
web-server contents. This system can receive and send mail.
Only thing is going wrong is pine and wu-imap.
I can read mail using mail(1) command. But when I try to
read mail using pine or remotely via imap protocol,
I got wery long delay. "ps ax"  shows this process

4112 ?? SJ 0:00,01 /usr/local/libexec/mlock 4 /var/mail/username

This process starting each time the content of mailbox is changing.

Jail-related sysctls are:

jail.set_hostname_allowed: 0
jail.socket_unixiproute_only: 1
jail.sysvipc_allowed: 1

Does anybody encounter a similar problem? What I have
to do to solve it?

       Sincerely yours,
                         Artyom V. Viklenko.
System Administrator        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IIAT NTU "KhPI" 21, Frunze Str., Kharkov Ukraine 61002
Phone: +380 (572) 400026        Fax: +380 (572) 474062

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