Attention Free and Open Source Software advocates!!

The City of Eugene, Oregon, U.S.A. is currently looking for an *Infrastructure
and Service Desk Manager*. What I, an anonymous employee and free and open
source software advocate is looking for is someone to apply for this job who
can....A) Handle the insanity of a bureaucracy. And B) Has a strong back
ground in FOSS, and understands the subtle art* introducing FOSS into a
"locked-in Microsoft fortress."

This is a full-time regular job that pays $57,387.20 - $71,489.60 annually.

*Subtle art: When ever the subject of FOSS is brought up in the office, the
answer is a resounding "NO!" or "NEVER!". Having an ally at the managerial
level would be an asset to the cause of freeing Eugene from the tyranny of
closed software systems. What I mean by subtle art is that it would not be
wise to announce at the job interview that you are a FOSS advocate. Perhaps,
it would not be wise to mention it at all, but instead be tactical, wait for
opportunity, and focus on molding the culture of the division to fit more in
the communal spirit of FOSS. These are only suggestions, of course.

I think you may realize what I am driving at....

Please, we need your help, and Eugene is a wonderful place to live. Whether
you are looking for outdoor adventure or a quiet corner in our beautiful new
library, Broadway productions or home-spun repertory theater, political
activism or a peaceful sense of community, Eugene has it all.

Here is a link to the applications: (the URL (below) is complements of the
outrageously priced Plumtree portal software. This should tell you something
about what you might be up against.)

Please, pass this along to other FOSS newsgroups, Linux forums, and the like

OR follow the links to Human Resources from here:

Thank you,

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