Well sometimes you don't need to upgrade and you aren't connected to

   internet directly.

   elephant: {25} uptime

   5:54PM  up 1756 days,  7:07, 2 users, load averages: 1.04, 1.01, 1.00

   elephant 4.9-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE #0: Mon Oct 27 17:51:09 GMT

   This machine is semi-retired now but for its first three years it was

   the database server (ads, reg, hit logging etc.) for a large website

   (> 300,000 pages/day).  It also handled the queries for a

   monthly reports server that created detailed reports

   for about 5000 companies that had content on

   the site.   I didn't keep track of the connections then but its

   replacement is doing  28,527 conn/hr.

   This was on an internal network that was firewalled from everything

   but port 3306 on the webserver IP, and a couple admin IPs.  It was a
   big exercise to

   replace it as the databases were quite large (48G) and it took a good

   of an hour to make the occasional snapshot for starting a new

   when needed.

   FreeBSD really is one of the most stable OSs even under a pretty

   good load.



   "One OS to rule them all"  :-)
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